
joined 2 years ago
[–] titaniumarmor 11 points 1 month ago

Love the style. Makes me think that we should start a repository with original files that people can download and iterate on + share with their communities. Do you know if something like that exists / would you be interested in creating and promoting a repository together?

I made a graphic of my own quickly last night but I definitely don't have your talent for graphic design lol

[–] titaniumarmor 3 points 7 months ago

Appointing a justice can be very difficult to do if your party doesn’t control the Senate. If Democrats control the Senate or the presidency, then Republicans won’t be able to stack the court.

[–] titaniumarmor 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The brand recognition of Mastodon is a rounding error for players like Meta and Google. The fediverse needs time to grow its user base. If we open the doors to the tech giants from the start, then their users will have no motivation to leave those platforms. On the other hand, we would leave ourselves vulnerable to the allure of moving back to the tech giants whenever they decide the time is right to cut us out of their walled gardens.

If we want decentralized social networking to thrive, then we have to leave big tech out of the equation.

[–] titaniumarmor 22 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (4 children)

This is the first E in Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. At the end of the day, Meta will do whatever it believes is most likely to maximize its profits.

Meta is a fisherman, and this is the bait. We need to recognize the threat that corporations pose to decentralization quickly and refuse to federate with them before the EEE cycle can even begin.

[–] titaniumarmor 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Rent control doesn’t address the root of our housing problems: a lack of available high-density housing. NIMBY homeowners have made it illegal to build new apartment complexes and condos via strict zoning laws. They’ve artificially restricted the supply of housing in order to jack up their own property values.

If a town has 80 apartments while 100 families need housing, rent control does nothing for the 20 families who can’t find an apartment when it’s illegal to meaningfully increase the supply of housing.

Housing in Seattle will continue to be fucked until we reform our zoning laws.