
joined 2 years ago
[–] timwilson 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That’s awesome. Are you still shooting?

[–] timwilson 2 points 2 years ago

Diet Coke. I’m still bitter about the switch to Pepsi in the food court.


Most people I know got started with archery because of a parent's influence. Bowhunters is popular where I live in Minnesota, so that's the way in for many. But my story is a bit backwards. I starting archery after my son developed an interest from John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice book series.

After devouring those books, my son wanted nothing more than to try archery himself. Soon after he started shooting and got involved with a local JOAD club near our home, I decided to give it a try myself. My son lasted a few years before his interests led him elsewhere, but I'm still going strong ten years later and have since started shooting in the senior pro class.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by timwilson to c/targetarchery

You can see all the details on my archery resume, but here's a quick rundown of what I use for outdoor archery.

  • OK Archery X-Energy 39 bow
  • Shibuya CP Pro sight and UltraView UV3 scope
  • Axcel Acclaim stabilizers
  • Hamskea Epsilon arrow rest
  • Easton shafts, Flex-Fletch vanes, and TopHat points.
What's your next competition? (self.targetarchery)
submitted 2 years ago by timwilson to c/targetarchery

Are you training for a specific tournament? Let us know what's next for you.

My next event is the MAA/NFAA Minnesota State Field Archery Championship on July 8–9, 2023. Field archery is my favorite archery style, so I'm working hard to be ready for it. Fortunately, there is an amazing field archery facility a mere 10 minutes from my house and that's where the event will be held.