They want fence sitters in Pennsylvania who are college educated to see what a blabbering idiot Trump is.
joined 1 year ago
99% of people think they are more important than they are.
If you THINK you might be the victim of an attack like this, you're not going to be a victim of an attack like this. If you KNOW you'll be the victim of an attack like this on the other hand...
Win win! No more France, new legislation!
Buy your country's local domain and support the local economy.
Better than Ben Garrison
While true, this is such a boomer humor comic
Jesus Christ I hate opening a Twitter link and seeing a massive ass wall of text. Give it to me in 160 characters or less.
Then fucking turn it off
It's an internal inside of React.
There are black sunflowers there so Texas doesn't want it
Gavin Newsome? He's got name recognition and notoriety.