Hopefully this one sticks around and can replace AMPLife. That sub has too many location posts and recently has had some hidden camera scumbag posts.
I’m surprised that sub has lasted as long as it has. I expected it to get nuked from orbit weeks ago.
It does seem like the hidden video stuff has died down some so maybe the mods are cracking down. I just wish they would crack down on the location questions so we could get some real discussion.
As for your USASG point, same. I posted about the same issue a while back here and basically gave up. TER (which I think you might have recommended) did help some, but most of the massage places on there near me just didn’t appeal to what I wanted.
So now I’m just looking at STG, USASG (without being able to contribute) and Google Maps.
I’m curious about what her end goal is here. Why not give you the shop address? It doesn’t make sense.
I have had two times to where I’ve gone to a place I know will have HEs and didn’t go for it. But only two times. One place I just didn’t get good vibes from, the other place I walked in and saw a grandma chilling in a chair by the entrance and heard what I assume was the grandpa coughing in a random room in the back.
Both places had better than average actual massages and one of them had a gross table shower that made it so I was glad I didn’t linger.
There are two places among the sea of places near me that have the best looking MTs in the area. And I think they know it.
One place near me has two of the hottest in the area. One is slimmer but with great tits. She’s obviously older, maybe 40+ but her face is pretty and she isn’t sagging or gray. But she has been upstaged by a newer MT in the same place for me. Better face, nicer body (to me anyway) and bigger boobs. I am hooked.
The other place has one MT that is basically perfect if you want someone on the slimmer side. Great face, small but good breasts and a crazy ass for how slim she is. Every time I’m there I gravitate towards that wagon. And it is enhanced by the boy shorts and skirts she loves to wear.
I’m a fairly new monger, I have been at it for a year or so. But in that time I have been at most of the places I can find in my area that aren’t AAMPs. I’ve only three numbers though. More because I am sensitive to risk. I don’t a lot of obvious ties to illegal activity if I can help it. That is part of the reason I haven’t taken the AAMP plunge even if it isn’t entirely logical.
Definitely time to cut bait. It sounds like things are rough for her (assuming the stories are actually true which I suspect they aren’t) but this sounds like a pit you don’t want to go down.
Hopefully you’re using a burner or app so that you can block her easily.
How were the showers? This is something that has tempted me with AAMPs. My goal would be a shower where groping and general touching is the main part of the shower.
It is one thing that is missing from AMPs, at least in my area. I get the MP’s hands on me with a table shower but it is hard to actually touch them during it. And during a massage, I can only get so much hands on time. Even with AMPs that will do FS, it feels like the MT doesn’t want a lot of groping and touching. My current ATF for example will try to go immediately for FS and won’t want to deal with a lot of touching.
You're probably right, but it feels like to me it would be easier to make that argument if I'm in the hotel or house of someone who I don't know and don't have much reason to be there versus a business in an area zoned for business.
And even if they can't make the legal argument and convict me, they may be able to arrest me and investigate. Which would have impacts on my life as well even if I am ultimately "proven" innocent.
I will probably take the plunge eventually. I just haven't done it yet.
My understanding is that it is hard for mongers to get busted. Because at the end of the day, they would have to catch you in the act. And unless they set up a sting or surveillance in the place, the most they can say is that you were there. And you can successfully argue that you were just there for a massage.
It’s one reason why I’m so wary about AAMPs. If I’m at a pace with a business license in a commercial area like a strip mall, I feel like the plausible deniability is high enough to outweigh the risk.
But if I’m in someone’s house or a hotel room, it feels like it is much harder to deny.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will have to take a closer look at TER. It seemed more for escorts, but the lines are so blurred between that and an AMP so hopefully I can find something with good info that I can actually participate in.
I really need to try an AAMP. I got close and then backed out.
I can see some changes with Trump in office. If they try the whole mass deportation thing I can see a lot of raids and things like that happening.
But probably not a huge amount.