Woah Elon invented busses, but worse! What a genious! Hopefully my city now stops investing in public transport immediately so we can wait for this cool thing to become market ready! /s
An ounce is about 29 grams in non-freedom units, for those wondering
Der Zugang zum Bewerbungsportal, also da wo du dich für die Zulassung zum Studiengang bei der Uni bewirbst
Nah, don't think so. The verkehrsberuhigte Bereich is blue and a lot bigger, and this here is always below the parking P since it's just an addendum. But it's really not intuitive to understand
You could try using bindfs to spoof the original user id and then chown the whole drive after successfull mounting (i'm a noob, just my understanding of the issue, don't know if that's really possible)
Almost as good as the car sharing sign in Germany
Explanation: "sharing" and "cutting in two pieces" can both be translated as "teilen"
Does the backside of a traffic light even count? What about these strange traffic lights that have more boarder than light?
My stuff has caffeine in it, too, that wouldn't be so helpful for sleeping, but otherwise you are right
I've got some electrolytes supposed to be taken while doing sport to fill up what you lose by sweating. And that shit does wonders when having a hangover, take one, wait 30 minutes, be absolutely fit again
*Gemeinschaft der rechnenden Maschinen