
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

BFRPG is such a great system. My order for the updated rules and supplements should be arriving today!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I backed the kickstarter for this one, so I have the hardcover and I've played it a few times. What I liked: the PC-as-monster rules, the artwork, the setting, the bestiary and extensive tables which are really useful resources for your other games. The "re-learn your spells from a scroll" rule is cool. What I didn't like: The movement mechanics, which are not uniform and just seem very unwieldy in play. Other games like S&W have done movement much better, in fact just fixing the original Holmes movement stats for monsters and adding in wilderness movement would have been fine (Holmes's monster move rates need to be doubled as written in the original rules). Still, overall it's a great clone.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm not looking for new systems to play, but I still like to mine rulebooks for ideas. Most useful to me as someone who has been playing RPGs since the 80s and fiddling with retro-clones since 2009 or so will be system-neutral (or close to it) zines, settings and adventures.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Gopher is still very much alive. There are quite a few gopher blogs (AKA phlogs or glogs) out there. Here are some popular phlog aggregators, you can use lynx (my favorite) or a web proxy in a standard browser to view them. Some clients will let you browse gopher or gemini, like lagrange, castor, bombadillo or elpher.

  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://

Lists of known active gopher servers:

  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://

Gopher search:

  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://

Some popular gopher sites with collections of links or general information about gopher:

  • gopher://
  • gopher://
  • gopher://

I also have my own gopher site: gopher://