I think their point is that, with effort, it can be become a thing of the past.
However, so many are unwilling to put forth the effort because it's either too inconvenient or they've been brainwashed into believing it's a hoax.
I think their point is that, with effort, it can be become a thing of the past.
However, so many are unwilling to put forth the effort because it's either too inconvenient or they've been brainwashed into believing it's a hoax.
This was literally me a year ago or so. I installed Mandjaro on my gaming laptop. We decided to try V Rising and even though discord was working fine I had zero game audio and couldn't fix it. I was still dual booting and switched back to Windows after 10 minutes.
Not a Linux hater. In all fairness, my long time experience with Windows allows me to troubleshoot problems easily but my lack of experience with Linux, and the variety of distros and tools that might be installed with each, makes the switch hard.
I'm going to try again with a more mainstream distro on a desktop that doesn't have a weird AMD/Nvidia mix and the need to deal with a MUX switch.
I think Trump knows that he'll almost always score points with voters by offending and upsetting those opposed to him, regardless of their party. So many of those who voted for him cited his unwillingness to conform as a major draw.
Most of them are just angry with the status quo and by upsetting establishment people Trump misleads the electorate into thinking he's not of and from the establishment. He's convinced so many that he's a force for change when in reality he's a force for entrenching and empowering the worst aspects of the system.
There were a lot of fires to put out and this fire department chose the ones that would benefit them and lectured those abandoned in burning buildings about how their building aren't burning and then campaigned arm in arm with a bunch of arsonists.
Yeah, their opponent was an arsonist so it wasn't the best strategy to sit this one out but there is a lot of blame to go around.
America needs to fix it's shit. I'm just hoping the arsonists don't burn it to the ground first.
Votes aren't all counted so no, 15 million didn't sit out. I'm not saying it wasn't millions, but it's not 15 million.
You're fine being part of the problem then? Shit looks bad so you're not going to even try and be civil? You sound like those disaffected voters.
What if the folks that voted in 2020 and didn't vote in 2024 are the type of folks who just normally don't vote and weren't inspired this year? What if the same kind of "there's no way Trump can win" thinking had them taking the situation for granted? Again, not saying they should have fucking voted but maybe it's more complicated than a few million people didn't vote this year so apparently the entirety of the non-republicans are racists. Group punishment is in order?
Wait until all the ballots are counted. Ballots still being counted aren't in those totals but, obviously, they finished counting 2020. Shit, California is still like 60% counted at this point. And they're at 10 million votes counted... that's like 6.5 million more votes just estimating CA.
I disagree. Championing progressive policies in most instances actually appeals universally to a majority of the electorate.
I'm not suggesting they'd be able to follow through because I think a significant number of Democrat representatives can't stomach actually progressive policies... but I think they'd win more elections.
Yes, we all woke up to our future being a fucking fascist horror show. We're all grieving. Chill the fuck out with the "racist" shit, you just dividing the left more.
Yes, I'm sure some people are just misogynistic and racist and stayed home because of that. However, other people feel like it doesn't fucking matter. We understand that it does matter, but I'll be damned if I don't feel that way too sometimes. It's so goddamn frustrating when the Democrats tack right over and over again, hamstringing progressives along the way, and then turn around and say "Vote for us because we're the lesser evil. We've wedged you between a rock and a hard place so suck it up and do your patriotic duty like good little peasants."
Kamala's campaign veered right and abso-fucking-lutely alienated progressive voters. By the end I was legitimately worried she might actually end up being to the right of Biden economically.
Do I forgive lefties for sitting this one out? No. That doesn't mean they won't do it again and that, for the first time in what feels like decades, the Democrats need to actually learn the right lesson from losing an election.
I'm not seeing turnout down by 20m. Where are you seeing this data? Note, we haven't even finished counting all the votes.
Admittedly, I was expecting there to be overwhelmingly high turnout and there wasn't that from what I've seen.
The dude won the popular vote. I'm sure a lot of the shady bullshit that happened all around the country to suppress voting inflated his lead a little bit but I don't think it was substantial enough to explain this.
- It would have to go through congress, which wouldn’t approve it, so it would be a lie.
The policies are extremely popular and universal. Doesn't really matter in a politicalcampaign if you struggle to achieve those ends. Trying is important and failing gives you ammunition against those who oppose extremely popular policies for next campaign.
- They told people “I won’t do mass deportations or order the assassinations of my enemies” and it didn’t work. Why do you assume that this other stuff would?
The bottom line is that the average person isn't listening for anything besides "how is the candidate going to help me because I feel like I'm drowning". The right scapegoats something and promises to fix your problems by hurting the scapegoat (immigrants, minorities, socialists, whatever). This is a lie, but it's just as, if not more, direct of a solution so some voters will support them.
Harris had attention when she said things like stopping price gouging and providing in-home elder care. Those were extremely popular ideas that she didn't focus on. Instead, she pivoted right.
Lol, like what? Does liking a sport and hating and exposing the corruption of it's organizers equate to supporting it's organizers? https://youtu.be/DlJEt2KU33I?si=WJAc7yVePsn0GwaA
...and apparently understanding the frustration with the EU but calling leaving it insane and urging people to vote against brexit is "supporting" it? https://youtu.be/iAgKHSNqxa8?si=JsEMq6gV7-tp5y7k
Like are you even trying? Nobody is perfect, John Oliver included, and I'm sure there are reasons to dislike him but could you at least chose topics he hasn't released multiple YouTube full clips of episodes of his show where he literally contradicts your point?
I think we could eliminate it if literally everyone put in a fairly minor effort - getting vaccinated, masking, washing hands, avoiding gatherings for a while.
Even in countries where the culture is to wear a mask when you are sick I guarantee significant minority selfishly ignores those practices - more than enough to spoil it for everyone else.
Also, masking helps lessen but doesn't prevent the spread in all cases. Many of the cultures that mask when sick do so because they are going to work or are out and about while sick. The more time you spend with someone, the higher the chances of transmission even if you are both masking.