
joined 1 year ago
[–] thelittleblackbird 2 points 6 months ago

Mirate esta comunidad también:

El email es muy complicado de hostear porque te va salir caro (necesitan un dominio reputable), un servidor de dns público con todas las entradas de zona (los ISP residenciales lo prohíben debido a los ataques de amplificación) tener la criotografia adecuada (dmarc, dkim, spf) etc...

Vamos que no te lo recomiendo.

Y en caso de quieras otro proveedor tutanota funciona bastante bien.

[–] thelittleblackbird 2 points 6 months ago

All the U.N. reports contain fake numbers, the press around the world are not telling the truth except the us and israel ones and international independent observers are biased. And of course we are not going to talk about the international trial because it will not improve the story either.

But a single article of a single person with zero worldwide relevance is the one telling the truth, and it is mainly because it supports your point of view. So obviously this guy MUST BE RIGHT.

Are you really sure that the biased and naive one are the extremely big majority of others? Like a lot of people say, when everywhere you go you smell shit, check your shoes first.

Everywhere in the world outside the Israel propaganda sphere is between concerned to horrified of what is happening in the Gaza stripe. You can read the press of a country with a lot of interest on the zone like Uruguay to check how the narrative isn't standing the slightest scrutiny.

Israel is not in the right side of the history. And sadly the rest of the world either because nobody is moving a finger to stop it.

Hamas needs to answer for their crimes and Israel too.

[–] thelittleblackbird 3 points 6 months ago

Agree, the situation is completely shitty in this part of the world, and probably it has many parents that contributed to it.

I know in which world I live, I am not naive either an Idealist. People die in war. But it is completely different dying because of bad luck (you were in the wrong place at the wrong time) than dying of indiscriminate fire. The responsability of the collateral damage is always on the attackers, because you can always decide to wait and attack in a more convenient moment.

And no again, usa in Iraq or Afghanistan was producing a fraction of these casualties per week in an affected population of almost an order of magnitude higher. There is not any excuse here.

Israel is indiscriminate killing civilians in Gaza, inflicting a level of pain and destruction that was not seen in a looong time.

This article is utter garbage that only tries to wash Israel image with lies and half baked trues. And it it is not ok

[–] thelittleblackbird 9 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Nobody here is justifying Hamas. But Israel is killing children without any justification. To the point that even the U.N. Is concerned.

If you want a tip from a stranger. Reassess your position to think under which circumstance is OK killing kids. And we are not talking about just a pair of accidents (

[–] thelittleblackbird 3 points 6 months ago

Facts are facts and opinions are opinions. The number of deaths, civilian deaths, in this conflict is going out of any chart of any conflict in the last 30 years.

Even if we try to focus in something like child under 8 years (that any reasonable person will agree that they are not linked in a terrorist group) this number is still terrorific high under any modern standard.

Are they carrying doctors? I can not negate neither confirmate. But a doctor embedded in a unit can not hide this level of death into innocent children.

And before you reply. No, no and no. Under no circumstances without a total broken moral compass is acceptable to kill kids under 8 years. They are not responsible for this and they didn't choose to be there.

It just simply a monstruocity

[–] thelittleblackbird 7 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Pretty much higher than may think or assume from a stranger in internet.

And I will not move an inch from my previous statement. Basically because nobody will admit this claim for a very reasonable reason. It is a lie.

The number of collateral damage and casualties in this counter terrorist operation (using their wording) is totally out of the scale in any urban conflict in the last 30 years. Mainly because before a city is sieged is usually evacuated. While in this condition the innocents and civilian are trapped with nowhere to go.

Idf has a very long track of using human shields (, commiting war crimes of every type (, forging evidences ( or even directly lying (, so the credibility of any Israel claim is very thin at the moment.

As you can notice all the links are backed by the very terrorist supporter U.N. And CNN.

And not speaking that the article is AN OPINON ARTICLE of a single person who choose to believe things without using any kind of crosscheck to any other number. So I did the work for you, here is the comparition of the deaths of Gaza VS some other conflicts (, if the trend is maintained Gaza will end up with an order of magnitude more civillien deaths than any other conflict.

[–] thelittleblackbird 8 points 6 months ago (20 children)

Those lies must not be spread.

Not in my watch

[–] thelittleblackbird 3 points 6 months ago

The learning curve is a bit steep but his guide is awesome

In the other hand, the public trackers are dominated by English and, at least I, I couldn't find a lot of Spanish dual movies better than the 720p

In any case, if you can gain access for a Spanish private tracker with radarr support, let me know

[–] thelittleblackbird 2 points 7 months ago

Thx, I will keep in mind, but I have consumer grade hw and I am afraid that vlan in my switch is not possible.

I any case thanks for the bunch of tips

[–] thelittleblackbird 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The you recommend to mount them via the hypervisor?

I was certainly planning to use it in the vm itself....

[–] thelittleblackbird 1 points 7 months ago

Thanks for the comment, I will try to check but performance should not be an issue. In the end it is personal selfhosted service.

[–] thelittleblackbird 1 points 7 months ago

If you think something similar to Instagram could solve your problem, check this:

Also, it should be trivial to expand it to the rest of the family

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