Fitness data is typically provided by services like Google Fit as non-diagnostic non-medical information. Therefore HIPPA compliance is not required.
Awesome idea for a D&D monster though. A coin mimic which only attacks when you try to spend it lol
I feel like the closest in the deep south is just "preaching to the choir". A redundant task which ignores a probably better path or explaining something to someone who doesn't need it explained to them.
Also Divide and Conquer for TW: Medieval 2 is goddamned amazing
My confusion with this post is that it already exists? It's just your home screen on your phone.
Ergonomic, supports a variety of functions (adjusting settings, running applications, customization, viewing device info), is loosely standardized (much like terminals across OSs), and widely adopted.
The only difference is touch interface vs. Text interface.
Like what are you actually looking for? A gesture controlled terminal or an interface? You already have the latter.
Literally not at all. It's a completely different genre.
Also, if you're not in a rush, just email the authors!
A vast majority of professors and researchers hate the publishing industry as much as anyone, and will be happy to shoot you a pdf if you're interested in their work!