I don't know, I had my dad on the phone the other day. He was explaining his backup routine and rotation between two different location. He is 65, worked most of his life with unreliable OS. Sensitive hard drives, floppies etc. He know how to make sure his data is safe.
We asked an intern to write a lettre for a RMA, and he printed the letter, we tell him what he has to modify. He is like "I have to type all this again" "What do you mean lil intern?!?". Intern deleted his file after printing it. O.o
Black and white flashback.
I mean, you could start by making words easier to read.
Edit: maybe that's not it, Poland is in front of you..
Well, the title should be, we can replace Benchs with better benchs
Republican might loose a lot of it's voter base
I remember going into the first sandbox, and then going forward with no xp very fast. Then it was just me being weak as hell and rolling around to dodge and using a cast to make a shield around me to avoid dying. Then I stopped. Load time were horrible. But I want to try the remaster on ps5.
In Korea, or maybe other easter Asian countries, people photoshop the shit out of their CV Pictures.
Je pense pas que c'est un problème suisse, les aéroports sont pleins à craquer, et ils sont pas remplis de Suisses. Le carburant des avions n'est pas taxé correctement. Du coup, ils sont plus competitif que le train.
The number of comment that says " I would buy one, but" is amazing !
What this company is doing is what every company should do, from laptop to tablet. As well as tractors. Dot being able to repair what you buy is fundamentally flawed!