I have one of their node cases for my NAS. No complaints.
I mean the craziness of how much power musk has makes me really consider that wild conspiracy about how musk hacked the election could be true.
I remember as a kid, early 2k’s, I was active on a big forum at the time and they went and did a troll attack on the stormfront forum. Even a literal nazi forum had moderation. I can’t imagine how much worse a non moderated place might be.
Has a different meaning now.
Is there anything that’s a better alternative?
Again, that is why I point to a Swiss approach. However rag tag militias have a strong history of resilience and the ability to drain professional militaries. Just need funding, decent weapons, and a desire to see your ideals win.
One, we’ve off loaded much of our critical thinking and researching skills to Google et al. This will only get worse as we develop stronger AI assistants that perform a majority of the “thinking” tasks. Technology frees the mind in some ways and reduces the need for certain functions. I read an article probably 10 years ago about how Japanese struggle to write because cell phones and computers have taken over much of that skill.
But here’s the fun part, if the laws are rewritten, they are legal.
Might want to reconsider that. Perhaps a more Swiss approach? I mean, stand on guard for thee makes it sound like Canadians are prepared to hold their ground.
Meh, we have WAY more people interested in staying home and jacking off than those who are blood thirsty for war.
Are your gun laws open enough to raise a militia? Legit question, I have no idea what gun laws look like up there.
About the only thing they are good for is shooting.