Only because wages across the board are in the dumpster. If the kitchen guys were making $30/hr instead of $10/he they'd be complaining the other way
No. I already sort by all, and new is generally too low quality and frankly still too slow. I also switch to all on Reddit once I've skimmed over the first couple pages of my feed
Yep. Weirdly, I didn't do any work to populate reddit either. It's almost like that would be impractical and unrealistic for an end user to do.
I don't have the time. This just fills the empty gaps in my day, before bed winding down
Just.. content. I open my Lemmy app once and I've seen everything it will show me for the day, or sometimes for multiple days. I open reddit and I can scroll for hours.
Thanks for your service. I'm more of a lurker, though I tend to comment more here than on Reddit, and I have so many other things filling my life that I have to tend to. This is just a distraction before bed or filling a dull moment.
Those are also problematic examples, I didn't say it was a higher tier of danger than other high risk jobs.
Sex trafficking or impoverished/addicted people turning to sex work, no. Society has failed them and we need to fix the underlying problems.
Sex work as a concept I take no issue with. I think it solves a lot of problems interpersonally. Dating would improve with less need for people to hide their motives. People too busy or uninterested in relationships would have an outlet, and disabled people who otherwise can't attract a partner benefit greatly as well.
This is what I hope it is. There's way too many joke reviews. I don't want to see review bombs get silenced because they are very informative when I'm not in the know about a particular developer/game's situation. I don't want to buy games that are outraging players. Chances are, I'll be one of the outraged too if I give them my money.
If a game isn't overwhelmingly positive, I almost never buy it. I also find review bombs completely valid in almost every case and I'm not interested in funding games that have managed to outrage their player base. In every case I would be outraged by the same thing they are.
It's not that kind of seasoning my dude