
joined 11 months ago
[–] taiyang 12 points 4 days ago

I mean, the average person has no idea who is running for house, especially in primaries; most have almost no name recognition (even incumbents, unless you're AOC or MTG). That's why money works so well, if at the very least it helps a random voter think "that name sounds familiar, let's go with that."

Only solution I can think of is just removing money from campaigns and having people rely on endorsements, but that's not happening anytime soon.

[–] taiyang 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

To be fair, I'd be like one of two people in this world who'd rock those in public. They'd catch an eye, haha

[–] taiyang 6 points 5 days ago

I second that if for no other reason than the encyclopedia functions. Before we had retroachevements to track things like endings, it gave me a sense of completion getting all the entries.

[–] taiyang 15 points 5 days ago

I'm afraid this is actually great taste, haha

[–] taiyang 5 points 5 days ago

I like to imagine she'll be dating a Ray Romano and this'll really freak him out. Alternatively, pick a common name, write a very lengthy tattoo addressing said person, and hope it lands on them.

Isn't that right, Micheal?

[–] taiyang 3 points 5 days ago

Also quite different. I think Terraria is objectively better than base game Minecraft, though, after their respective updates (which I blame Microsoft monetization). When modded, they're both great games.

I still love working against the clock to stop corruption from taking over my Terraria planet, though. Reclaiming land is a thing I like, but there are mods like that in Minecraft too that are really fun of you're into it.

[–] taiyang 14 points 5 days ago

Jesus, you made me chuckle at a terrible story. Ooooooof.

Seriously though, it's tragic and I hate to see someone likely murdered by an incel asshole after a date.

[–] taiyang 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I felt this comment in my bones. It's too bad my over ear buds are so old now the plastic has degraded. Regular earbuds just don't stay in and I find them uncomfortable.

Now the real winner would be looped over your ear but using that spacial localized speaker thing Valve puts into their VR. That stuff works great, has surround sound, and you don't feel a thing. A wonder if only exists on that headset and that headset alone.

[–] taiyang 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

She's ok, but when I get bored and my daughter wants to watch her, I tend to put it on 0.75 speed cause it gets trippy. The way she likes to sound out things just makes her seem like a drink substitute kindergarten teacher.

[–] taiyang 2 points 5 days ago

Puzzle #380.

I certainly knew that one!

[–] taiyang 3 points 6 days ago

It certainly wasn't a thriving business, but I don't think it's purely a correlation isn't causation situation. The points about clientele not adapting are probably valid, given the evidence suggests that they lost those loyalists on top of their nose dive.

And yes, it can work if you are consistent. Trader Joes is a good example, they are thriving and haven't once did sales while virtually every other grocer does. Domino's is set in their ways, though, although they'd probably survive if they blundered.

[–] taiyang 35 points 6 days ago (7 children)

Reading the comments about Domino's coupon obsession, I feel like giving an economics story about when JC Penney said nuts to sales and coupons and nearly went bankrupt.

Corpos in food and retail found that overpricing things then hitting you with deals and coupons caused American audiences to feel like they were getting a good deal. 15 buck pizza for only 6 dollars? Sounds like a deal until you realize that it's really cheap to make thanks to suppliers and premade frozen pizzas. But if they always price it at 6 bucks, you're gonna raise an eyebrow.

What if you don't do that? JC Penney had that idea a few years ago, since their industry basically priced jeans for 100 bucks and then said they were 70% off almost every day. So they tried everyday low prices and... they nearly bankrupted themselves. Lots of factors, but their main factor was their usual clientele thought they weren't getting a deal even though the prices were cheaper than competitors (while not really attracting a new audience savvy enough to know sales are a scam).

Point is, Domino's is in a cycle of coupons or bust. It's a shame you don't have good pizza options at reasonable prices nearby, though, and a shame the good old days of free delivery seem behind us.

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