That's considered a service problem (fyi).
What's ctrl-p do?
Surely some questions are stupid, right? Jk op your question made m laugh
Having my morning poop and ran across this. Th day can't get any better, so I'm not doing any more social media for the day... this is a good place to end off.
Just so Americans are aware, other countries have been dressing up and celebrating Halloween for our entire lives as well.
First genuine laughter of the morning thanks
Maybe the Crosby Room has something to do with it?
We calculated it, the membership paid for itself on gas alone last year, let alone all the groceries we got. It's a pretty stellar deal.
I mean, if I had to choose between the guy fun at parties and the guy that takes things serious, I'll take the serious guy every time.
Mine started Minecraft at 5. She never took to Valhiem, and plays minecraft instead. She's 16 now.