The rendering engine.
Currently Firefox on iOS is "just" a skin around the iOS provided renderer.
The rendering engine.
Currently Firefox on iOS is "just" a skin around the iOS provided renderer.
That's... Not at all what I'm saying...
What has encryption got to do with it?
Most of telegram is not encrypted. There are unencrypted channels on telegram right now hosting child pornography. Telegram never removes them.
Trust us, we are printing all this money for your own good.
Your. Own. Good.
Something like that I assume.
Nothing. There is literally no legitimate use I can think of
The thing about humans are: we are frighteningly clever
Let me introduce you to Facebook.
At least it's technically on topic this time
the real crime here is that the date was wrong
When it came to the Ukraine situation, he has, in general, not missed a beat.
The UK has given an impressive amount of gear to the Ukrainians given the size of the UK military, whilst everyone else was dithering and wondering what to give and how much to ensure they still had some stuff at home, the UK attitude was "give them all the things and we'll worry about it later".
Obviously countries like Poland had to be more cautious.
A lot of training and intelligence has been given to Ukraine as well. The UK continues to host Ukrainian troops for training.
The UK even made binding "boots on the ground" support agreements to Norway and Sweden in case Russia tried anything during their NATO membership process.
UK gave a bunch of Challenger 2 tanks with "do what you like with them" terms, not just "pwease don't shooty shoot on Wussian tewwitory" nonsense. This was a token gesture as actually Ukraine really wanted the German stuff but it opened the door a bit to basically embarrass Germany into getting it's act together.
As much as I don't like the man, Johnson did well when it came to supporting Ukraine, and credit should be given where it is due.
Sure you can. Car manufacturers do it today.
You will have to define "3 years" as well. It can't be a blanket 3 calendar year thing, it would have to be X number of cycles which the average user would realistically hit with 3 years of usage. Not someone glued to their phone playing games all day that need to charge three times a day.