Except it’s not a religious dress.
That's just because culture and religion are somewhat related. This does not make religious garments not religious.
But yeah, sure just make it like all Muslims are fanatical terrorists, that will include them well in the society.
Do we ban metal heads then because they’re satanist worshipers?
Your comparisons are strawman arguments because they are argument nobody (definitely not me) made, which you are using to try to deligitimize other arguments that you can't challenge (apparently), by somehow pretending that your strawman and my arguments are similar.
Talk about the poor state of French schools if you wish, it is an important topic, but this doesn't make religious garments less religious. Your argument was that these are cultural markers, and NOT religious symbols, which is a pretty easy claim to debunk with a quick research on why those garments exist, who wears them, what they represent, etc.