I guess being that small even if they were edible it wouldn't be worth it shelling them and such. I do lament there being no full 5 gallon photo 😄
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Most people are allergic to cat saliva, not the hair (some are allergic to the hair too though). If the cat was maintaining herself well, she was likely licking herself a lot, which could have contributed to your allergic reaction. There are sprays/washes you can buy to reduce the affect, and I think maybe even a specialized food (probably very expensive). But, I mean, that's a lot for effort. If you had the cat for a few weeks and it was unbearable, it's not worth you suffering. Allergies can be hell, they make you miserable. But in the future if you feel the pull to adopt or get a cat, the stuff I mentioned might help. Or even fostering, you might come upon a cat you get along with well allergy wise and can adopt it once living with it for a while and find a match. But there are other pets which are equally nice, rabbits, rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, dogs, ferrets. Or others alternatives like snakes iguanas tarantulas and so on.
It's actually easy to tell whether you'll have a reaction by going to the store or humane society and asking to hold them for 5 to 10 minutes.
I'm here but I'm a Canuck so I can't do diddly squat, sorry
Dumb ass question, but are the seeds edible (like pumpkin or poppy seeds etc)?
Since you are in a thread that's about a women who has been victimized for 10 years by her own husband who she trusted and believed loved her, and raped by 50 plus men at his hand, I want to say, that many, many females also don't come forward because they know they won't be believed. They will also be perceived as weak, or whatever excuse rape apologists give. They asked for it. They dressed like a slut. They were walking too late at night alone. They drank too much and passed out which made them fair game.
It happened to my sister, my brother, my mother, my friends, it's happened to me, it's happened to about 13 other females off the top of my head that I know throughout my life.
It isn't only because a male will be perceived as gay that they don't come forward. That's a byproduct of homophobia. They don't come forward for many of the same reasons females don't come forward. They believe it's their fault., and they don't think other people will believe them. And also possibly they want to try to forget it ever happened, because it's so traumatic.
It's because other people don't want to see the truth, and that truth is that human beings are for the most part garbage. We want to pretend this awful crap doesn't happen on a regular basis but it does. It's not an outlier or abnormal, it's a fact of life for nearly most women and some men. It would be nice if no one could experience this.
That's so sweet! Are you doing prints of their paws (like put them on a pad of ink and press it and take a imprint of it)? I took imprints of my dogs and cats paws in a clay and have them as xmas ornaments.
Cat prints sounds like a cute tattoo :)
Damn us humans are quite fragile creatures. Thanks for explaining.
Anyone notice certain YouTube artist's songs/music videos that state things that may be seen as unsympathetic or critical to the richie riches out there are having their comments disabled or downright removed? I'm talking 5+ year old songs or albums. Someone I subscribe to and enjoy their music and has never disabled their comments suddenly has them disabled.