I'm legally blind I cannot see apparently. I could have sworn I even searched for it
I don't see anything in the changelog about improving download speed? Plenty about the UI but... What am I missing?
Those heels on that grate seems dangerous
It sure does, but to an extent that overshadows the influence of the other blocked services.
I feel like including ANYTHING aws-hosted muddies this up a fair bit. None of the other 5 are really hosting companies (and it sounds like they didn't block azure cloud or Google cloud? Not sure. They also certainly can't tell if something is AWS backed but behind cloudflare or other reverse proxies).
It's kind of like if they refused to go into a physical store because that store relies on AWS services to operate. Sure, that has ramifications of its own, but it's vastly different from using the services directly on your own, especially compared to, say, not using YouTube because alphabet owns it. Limiting the block to big-5 OWNED user-facing services would be much more interesting (and feasible) to me.
God damn why's the world so shit
That's assuming you've got the emissivity set correctly, too. Can make a huge difference
1980-2010 are not between 1 and 1000, though, just to be clear
Can you take the base off for carving? That's really interesting how well suited that looks for templating
Where do you get the nightlight? Does it come with the acrylic? I'd love to do some laser etched acrylic like this
Donating really doesn't feel like it adheres to the spirit of the question tbh. Frankly I bet if I had a solid 24 hours during the standard work week and a million in cash, I could get a home sale closed, though. Without mortgages, as a buyer I can skip inspections insurance etc and I'm fairly sure it could be done.