What's incredible to me is that this is basically guaranteed to only hit Hezbollah's command structure. 3000 hospitalized, and so far the only collateral damage is a handful of close relatives who were in cars that created as a result. That's biblical plague levels of precision strike capabilities.
For Hezbollah, this is putting over half their command staff out of the picture for a week. That's an incredible blow that will be hard for them to come back from. If Lebanon is smart, they'll use the opportunity to forcefully disarm Hezbollah.
They were provided from an Iranian supplier who added encryption hardware to them. These were not used by the wider public. Hezbollah has already announced that all but one of the fatalities were senior leaders. The one that wasn't was one of their daughters. Killed in the car her father was driving.
These were carried only and exclusively by active commanders of Hezbollah and their direct partners.