I Lived, Laughed, La Forged...
"Number One! What's the word for when something is both blessed and cursed?"
Your last paragraph is so well said. I'd like to highlight the idea that "chances are that you have already suffered too much pain."
As a society we should strive to normalize treating mental illness, like depression, the same we we deal with physical woes. Consider that mentalxhwlathcan have its own specialities!
In the United States, if you are experiencing ideas of harming yourself you can call or text 988. In the UK call 999. has international resources.
I offer applause!
I appreciate that you documented your ramblings. I enjoyed reading what you think and your explanations of why.
I'm done. I sometimes open Apollo out of habit but this too shall pass...
Massive red panda energy!
"I care not who says it is or is not canon, no more than I would ever tell anyone else how any fiction may exist in someone else's mind."
Very nicely put. Thank you.