I only found out about Nazi Space Karen's antics cuz of the memes.
He got them dead eyes, like a dolls eyes....
Yeah, let them learn about the magical feeding properties of
I've made a single meal that lasted for more than 4 meals! It's amazing how a good staple meal can last if you just take care of what's left. And depending on the meal, leftovers can be ingredients in future meals.
Doesn't matter, I no longer have to cook.
"In a hyper-partisan environment, even unintentional errors like this can escalate into accusations of partisanship," he said.
"If these issues are not resolved quickly they risk fuelling conspiracy theories and damaging Meta's reputation."
While users who type "#Democrat" or "#Democrats" see no results, the hashtag "Republican" returns 3.3 million posts on the social media platform.
Yeah, no. There are no 'accusations of partisanship', there's straight up blatant partisanship and overt attempts at shaping the narrative and suppressing speech that Der Furher won't like. There's no speed short of not implementing it in the first place that would prevent conspiracies from propagating, especially with how hard Fuckerberg is dickriding trump.
I deleted my Facebook account over a decade ago for good reason, and I'm hopeful that people will (but realistic that they won't) get off of there. That shit hole needs to burn.
Hahahahahaha, not even one day before they kicked him out.
Dude didn't even get 1/10th of a mooch
I can think of one reason right away.
I thought liberty died when I was told it was pointless to vote, then people didn't vote and then the Nazis won.
Funny how the malicious people tell me the same thing as people who claim to be on my side.
Officially creating the brown shirts
What, and I mean this will all my soul, the actual fuck?
I don't give a single wet shit who the president is, why in the chocolate covered fuck is a streaming media content platform pushing that shit? Really glad I never gave them any money, and the subscription we had always a friend's.