
joined 1 year ago

Check out the official release notes: https://forgejo.org/2023-11-release-v1211-0/

Additionally the mailer has been enabled. If you'd like to take advantage expect mail from [email protected]


Tell your kids tell your wife cause we emailing everybody out here tonight. You can recover your forgotten passwords now! πŸ₯³ Before this if you forgot your password after signing up you were totally toast πŸžπŸ’€πŸ˜Ή Worry no more!

They'll be from [email protected] while research and development slowly continues around mail.minimally.online πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


Aes is back!!


Heaven is a time today.


I called and she didn't answer so I hopped in my jet and cried πŸ₯ΉπŸ›«


minimally.online started with the Lemmy here and then shorty after propped up a Forgejo instance. Unfortunately the VPS for Forgejo was too minimal and fell over a lot πŸ˜”

I'm happy to report that now https://git.minimally.online lives on the same VPS as board., which is a total beefcake and will handle the two services probably just fine!

Happy posting and happy hacking! πŸ’ͺ

Neovim πŸ’š Fennel! (git.minimally.online)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://board.minimally.online/post/20318

I just recently discovered TIC-80 and then Fennel. I was already liking Lua but now I'm hooked on LISP!! Here's my Neovim config using lazy.nvim, all written in fennel thanks to hotpot

It's not marketed like one of those "template Neovim config repos" but it could be one of those if your heart desired. I based it loosely off kickstart.nvim.

Neovim πŸ’š Fennel! (git.minimally.online)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just recently discovered TIC-80 and then Fennel. I was already liking Lua but now I'm hooked on LISP!! Here's my Neovim config using lazy.nvim, all written in fennel thanks to hotpot

It's not marketed like one of those "template Neovim config repos" but it could be one of those if your heart desired. I based it loosely off kickstart.nvim.


cross-posted from: https://board.minimally.online/post/12268

The math behind the game is atan2 which I use to get the angle from a thing to another thing:

function ato(from,to)
  return atan2(

And then when you give that angle to cos for the x axis and sin for the y axis you get (x,y) coords that can be multiplied by the number of pixels you want to "move" in that direction. So this function assumes a table like {x,y,a,s} and returns new a new x,y multiplied by s for "speed"...

function amove(●,s)
  s=s or ●.s
  return ●.x+cos(●.a)*s,

I use both those together like this to move the worms each frame. (This symbol: ∧ looks more like a worm in the Pico-8 font. If you didn't notice I like the emoji for variables πŸ˜‹)

for ∧ in all(∧s) do

The astitue reader may have noticed amove allows one to supply their own s instead of the table's s... this is useful when you want to calculate things along something like a line, I mean the length of a worm. For example if we put everything together then we get this loop that, after a bullet (✽) moves, checks every part of a worm (for ∧t=0,∧.l do where ∧.l is worm length and ∧t is each "tail" pixel) and if they collided deletes both and plays a sound effect. amove is given each ∧t but it's not actually used to move the worm, just to reconstruct it's body for collision detection.

for ∧ in all(∧s) do
    for ∧t=0,∧.l do
      if flr(✽.x)==flr(∧x)
        and flr(✽.y)==flr(∧y)
      if #∧s==0 then

The math behind the game is atan2 which I use to get the angle from a thing to another thing:

function ato(from,to)
  return atan2(

And then when you give that angle to cos for the x axis and sin for the y axis you get (x,y) coords that can be multiplied by the number of pixels you want to "move" in that direction. So this function assumes a table like {x,y,a,s} and returns new a new x,y multiplied by s for "speed"...

function amove(●,s)
  s=s or ●.s
  return ●.x+cos(●.a)*s,

I use both those together like this to move the worms each frame. (This symbol: ∧ looks more like a worm in the Pico-8 font. If you didn't notice I like the emoji for variables πŸ˜‹)

for ∧ in all(∧s) do

The astitue reader may have noticed amove allows one to supply their own s instead of the table's s... this is useful when you want to calculate things along something like a line, I mean the length of a worm. For example if we put everything together then we get this loop that, after a bullet (✽) moves, checks every part of a worm (for ∧t=0,∧.l do where ∧.l is worm length and ∧t is each "tail" pixel) and if they collided deletes both and plays a sound effect. amove is given each ∧t but it's not actually used to move the worm, just to reconstruct it's body for collision detection.

for ∧ in all(∧s) do
    for ∧t=0,∧.l do
      if flr(✽.x)==flr(∧x)
        and flr(✽.y)==flr(∧y)
      if #∧s==0 then

Now the known way to do XSS on a lemmy is patched πŸ‘

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