
joined 10 months ago
[–] solomon42069 25 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Every fucking conservative I've ever seen. I might be an atheist, but I remember what being a Christian was supposed to be about!

[–] solomon42069 5 points 2 days ago

It's about coming for whatever she's doing and being as harsh about it regardless of truth or context. They love a good misogynistic pile on.

[–] solomon42069 38 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Its the alien vents that lead back to the Primary Containment Facility.

[–] solomon42069 21 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It's a joke but I often wonder if this was why my dad was so upset by my coming out. I don't think he's even likely to be gay, but I think that unexplored question in his mind is a black hole now.

[–] solomon42069 25 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Thank you! Definitely living the dream now 22 years later. Got a husband, two dogs, a cat and my own business.

[–] solomon42069 123 points 5 days ago (9 children)

While growing up, my migrant parents loved to comment on this and say how an Anglo Saxxon family would have kicked me out when I turned 18. Meanwhile they kicked me out of home at 14 for being gay.

[–] solomon42069 24 points 6 days ago

One of my ex employers sold a construction company a six figure "building logistics system" which was just a Microsoft Access file. And the construction dudes had to use a CDMA dongle to remote desktop into a mainframe to open their access files. A travesty.

[–] solomon42069 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I reckon it's hard to attach blame to Microsoft because of the culture of corporate governance and how decisions are made (without experts).

Tech has become a bunch of walled gardens with absolute secrecy over minor nothings. After 1-2 decades of that, we have a generation of professionals who have no idea how anything works and need to sign up for $5 a month phone app / cloud services just to do basic stuff they could normally do on their own on a PC - they just don't know how or how to put the pieces together due to inexperience / lack of exposure.

Whether it's corporate or government leadership, the lack of understanding of basics in tech is now a liability. It's allowed corporations like Microsoft to set their own quality standards without any outside regulation while they are entrusted with vital infrastructure and to provide technical advisory, even though they have a clear vested interest there.

[–] solomon42069 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

OK, but people aren't running Crowdstrike OS. They're running Microsoft Windows.

I think that some responsibility should lie with Microsoft - to create an OS that

  1. Recovers gracefully from third party code that bugs out
  2. Doesn't allow third party software updates to break boot

I get that there can be unforeseeable bugs, I'm a programmer of over two decades myself. But there are also steps you can take to strengthen your code, and as a Windows user it feels more like their resources are focused on random new shit no one wants instead of on the core stability and reliability of the system.

It seems to be like third party updates have a lot of control/influence over the OS and that's all well and good, but the equivalent of a "Try and Catch" is what they needed here and yet nothing seems to be in place. The OS just boot loops.

[–] solomon42069 -1 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Why is no one blaming Microsoft? It's their non resilient OS that crashed.

[–] solomon42069 50 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It's so funny how Republicans love to stir up the moral outrage of the community. Meanwhile they disproportionately seem to have murderers, rapists and child molesters in their ranks.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by solomon42069 to c/asklemmy

It feels like no matter where I turn some septuagenarian, or older, is making life miserable for myself and others. Usually these are older white Christian conservatives, obsessed with a delusional sense of reality that no longer has a basis in fact, or perhaps never did.

There is a disproportionate amount of wealth concentrated in the older generation and those who will inherit it will probably be even worse with that money than the last generation. Certainly we see evidence of that already, anyone in their 30's who has parents who help them out VS those who don't have that have radically different outcomes. For some reason those lucky enough to come from good families ascribe laziness and bad attitude to those who don't have the family support, as if they are somehow enjoying "self made success" while mummy does their laundry for them.

No generation previous needed this kind of assistance well into adulthood, but this infantilisation of working adults has happened because of the hoarding of wealth, refusing to pass on the torch in workplaces and just blocking change for the sake of stoking petty politics. Most of us will never own our own home but all the politicians want to talk about is whether it's OK to dehumanise trans people or not.

I'm 36 this year. For most of my teens I thought there'd be some kind of tipping point where the conservative boomers would fuck off or at least let the next generation step in, but that hasn't happened. Back in the 1990's you could be a girl and wear jeans and be empowered, now this is considered some kind of woke statement. As if we recently invented this idea of women and men being equal.

The faces of my two dogs, my cat and my husband are all that keep me going. Knowing they need me gives me just enough to get out of bed in the morning and start moving... but I'm struggling to do even that without having a breakdown. My husband and I have medical expenses we can't afford and are borrowing money to survive right now. I run my own business and just feel this immense pressure on my shoulders, that again is compounded by how unfair the world is right now.

Anyone got any advice for coping with this late stage capitalist hellscape?

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