
joined 1 year ago
[–] snailtrail 2 points 1 year ago

I run a single headscale node on one of my free Oracle OCI instances, and connect about a dozen devices to it. No fear of adding friends either, since it's free.

[–] snailtrail 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

For me, this doesn't ring true. My USB 3 port got to the point where it couldn't hold a cable (not lint or dirt, the tiny little bit that holds the cable firmly got worn down). I have rarely had a headphone jack break. Maybe twice in my life, on old battered walkmans or mp3 players that suffered years of use.

[–] snailtrail 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is true. When the original Fairphone came out I didn't get it because I had a working HTC. My next phone was purchased as an emergency when my current phone fell into water, so I had to walk into a phone shop and buy an immediate replacement. But that was the day that I decided to buy the Fairphone 3... Because the phone that fell into water was sealed and glued together, and there was no way to remove the battery or dry it out. It buzzed and beeped to death in my hand taking all of my data with it (internal memory only).

I've been rocking the FP3 since then. Upgraded the camera, replaced the battery twice, and once replaced the lower assembly because the usb3 port got damaged and couldn't hold the cable.

My wife has the same phone now. So I could upgrade to the FP4 and use my FP3 for parts, in case she ever breaks a screen or needs a battery. But why bother? This works just fine.

[–] snailtrail -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

If the wedding designer has a "blank wedding site" package premade and refused to sell it to them then I don't think that's right. But if all of the websites are bespoke designs where the designer must create something for the couple, it's fuzzy.

Personally, I don't know. There is, and should be, a line between personal life and work life. But depending on what you do for a living, the line can be a thin one or a thick one.

For example, if I churn out hundreds of identical 3D printed characters and sell them at an open-air market, I shouldn't be allowed to single out a customer and refuse business just because I don't like the look of them. But if I'm a graphic artist, I shouldn't be compelled to draw something that I find objectionable. Eg: I might be a woman who has been sexually abused in the past, and someone wants a sexually graphic depictions of a sexual assault (like the Guns 'N' Roses "Appetite for Destruction" cover).

Those examples are easy to comprehend because they're extremes. The difficulty in interpreting the outcome of the case is trying to bring the examples closer to the center.

Can you refuse to sell handpainted greetings to someone you don't like? No. It doesn't matter that it's a creative endeavour. If you created the product without coercion, and are now selling them at a stall in your local town, it's not ok to refuse a simple transaction because you don't like the buyer. What if you also offer a service of writing a message in fancy calligraphy on the inside? Can you refuse to write something you find objectionable? I think so.

I don't think it comes down to who your customer is. I think it comes down to what you're being asked to do.

Edit: lol, what a typo. Thanks swype keyboard!

[–] snailtrail 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

People are probably thinking "fuck it, let's go with the upheaval! Let's get rid of the silly base 60 system!". Ok then. First, we could divide the length of a year into 100 days. Wait, no, that has to be 365 because otherwise the seasons would get out of whack.

Ok, but we could definitely have 10 months right? They did that before. Perfection. So every month should have exactly ... Uh 36.5 days... fuck

Well, how about having 10 day weeks? Shit. Same type of problem.

Fine, let's ignore months and weeks. What about the 24 hour day? Instead, we could break the day into 100 units. Each unit would be 14.4 "old minutes" long. That seems fine. You could subdivide that into 100 subunits, each of which would be about 8.6 "old seconds". To keep things reasonable the final divisor would be 10, so our new short "human counting" units would be about 0.86s. Groovy. Pity that years, months and weeks don't work out.

So why are there "really" 360s in an hour? Probably for the same reason that there are 360⁰ in a circle. Early astromomers and mathematicians probably thought that the universe was a perfectly created system. They likely modelled dates and geometry on earth's annual journey through the sky, but we're a little bit "off". Like how the months are supposedly lunar. We only discarded the idea of perfect celestial spheres relatively recently.

[–] snailtrail 4 points 1 year ago

I wonder what that means for yt-dlp?

[–] snailtrail 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
  1. Splendor
  2. Patchwork Express
  3. Wingspan
  4. 7 Wonders Duel
  5. Love letters
  6. Istanbul
  7. Lords of Waterdeep

Some aren't specifically 2 player but all work very well with 2 players. Love Pandemic too.

[–] snailtrail 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Me and the wife play Pandemic with 4 roles. I find that without some of the roles you just lose two often. And playing a 4 character games with 2 people has lots more going on and is far more enjoyable.

[–] snailtrail 2 points 1 year ago

What about a cheapo metal detector that you'd use to search for buried treasure?

[–] snailtrail 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Excellent module, gonna try this out! Having gone through it for about 20 minutes, everything is well thought-out and properly done. Nice to find such excellent content in /c/aws Consider cross posting on /c/terraform too?

edit: oof, how to you refer to another sub? On Reddit simply mentioning /r/subname is enough, but not here? It doesn't pick up Lemmy links and shorten them to the sub name either :( I just used the link tool but that type of stuff should be automatic

[–] snailtrail 1 points 1 year ago

I'll suggest yet another OS: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. It's a rolling release. I've had zero problems with it, and I've been using it on work and personal machines for about a year (migrating away from Ubuntu after 15+ years). A weekly zypper dist-update keeps it pretty much bleeding-edge, and I've never had issues with it. If an upgrade does bork something, you can use snapper to roll back (it's a btrfs based snapshot tool).

Whatever you choose, good luck with it.

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