
joined 2 years ago
[–] sm1dger 2 points 2 weeks ago

Sorry, should have clarified - I was speaking on the part of many academics. In my department, most people (faculty) have abandoned Twitter and a fair few have started on bluesky although more just don't use the format in any context anymore. I only know of one who uses Mastadoon.

[–] sm1dger 21 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

But we did leave and if (or when) it becomes enshitified, we will move again. We don't need an idealised platform, we just want something easy to use which doesn't (yet) have the baggage and culture of twiXer

[–] sm1dger 2 points 1 month ago

Currently, garbage. They used it to reinforce a polymer to go from a strength of 50 MPa to 70 MPa. Kevlar is 10x stronger, commercially scaled, and cheap

[–] sm1dger 7 points 3 months ago

You can't say that. It should be "one fewer CEO"

[–] sm1dger 23 points 3 months ago (2 children)

It's literally in the paper! "The nomenclature varies with the diameter of the fibers (and region), including ∼2 mm spaghetti (small string), ∼1.75 mm vermicellini (little worms), and ∼900 μm capellini (little hairs). The narrowest diameter mass-produced pasta is ∼800 μm capelli d'angello (angel hair), although thinner pasta lunga is produced by hand exclusively in the town of Nuoro, Sardinia: su filindeu (threads of God), which is estimated to have half the diameter of capelli d'angello and is, to the authors' knowledge, the thinnest pasta created by hand to date "

[–] sm1dger 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Orville (with S4 pseudo confirmed!)

[–] sm1dger 30 points 6 months ago (2 children)

There's lots of people who are pointing out that 1000x better might be misleading, which is certainly true here, but let me be a little more exact and explain things briefly (nb I'm a prof of Materials chemistry and am involved in PV research, although it's not my main focus). Firstly, this research does not give the efficiency which is usually the headline number*. Mainly because most of their measurement aren't using sunlight but a laser. Here they see it does interact with light to give electricity and they show the response is 1000x higher current for their new layered materials versus the unlayered type. However, as others have pointed 1000x a low number isn't great. The highest measured current** is 0.5 mA/cm2 although they actually do proper sunlight measurements (under 1.5 suns, which is a common way to measure this) and get 0.035 mA/cm2. This is something we can compare to commercial solar cells and it's almost exactly 100x lower than a commercial silicon solar cell (35 mA/cm2).

Obviously there's a lot more detail and nuance here I'm skipping over but (i) don't expect this to change the world in the near future and (ii) its a new material approach which is cool scientifically and while the uninformed media is hyping it, the scientists in the paper were perfectly reasonable.

If you have any other questions, I'll try to reply ASAP.

*RE efficiencies normal silicon ones are normally around 15%, good perovskite next-gem ones are a bit above 20%, and there's a hard physical limit of 33% for a perfect single solar cell

**They use uA/cm2 because their numbers are low. I've converted to the more common mA/cm2. These data are in Fig 3c and Fig3d. I'd recommend you have a look yourself as there's no paywall.

[–] sm1dger 6 points 7 months ago

The same people who presumably fill balloons with helum, want to cut down on sodum in their diet, prevent Iran from refining uranum, power their phones with lithum batteries, and enjoy singing David Guetta's house classic Titanum

[–] sm1dger 6 points 7 months ago (2 children)

If the petition hits it target, the politicians are forced to discuss it which would include agreeing workable language. It would not automatically become the law with the proposed language.

[–] sm1dger 14 points 8 months ago

I'm call BS. Titanium isn't really very strong (about the same as copper when pure, while specialist Ti alloys are about halfway between aluminium and generic steel). People use titanium when they want something metal which is pretty strong but very lightweight. As an aside, it has pretty meh ductility for a metal and would make a poor bulletproof material, so David Guetta got that wrong too

[–] sm1dger 9 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The energy for lab grown meat has to come from somewhere - thermodynamics is always king. You can provide it via sugars/carbohydrates which the cells can motabolise, but you've got to put energy into making the sugar/carbs which is easiest by just growing some sugarcane/potatoes/etc. There's more steps for meat vs plant and it's very unlikely you can make 100 calories of lab meat with lower total system energy input than 100 calories of plant matter. (N.B., I'm a chemist, not a astronomical biologist, so if an expert refutes me and my assumptions, Place more trust in them)

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