that was like the first thing he did
Aren’t NDAs unenforceable against illegal conduct anyway?
Yes, absolutely. You can't sue someone for violating an NDA if they did so to report a crime.
But a lot of people are morons that don't understand how the law works.
And Gary Busey as Dr. Emmett Brown
The whole internet has devolved into a series of echo chambers now and everyone thinks their own chamber is superior.
We never should've killed flash games.....
Same thing happened to Reagan. He created the EPA as an executive agency to avoid Congress creating and empowering an independent entity that the executive wouldn't be able to control. He thought it would get him votes from the left. It did not, and he pretty much immediately stated that he regretted it because lefties didn't buy his bs.
Wait, what?
The EPA was created by Nixon in 1970, 10 years before Reagan was elected.
It's an independent government agency, to this day. The administrator is appointed by the executive branch and approved by the Senate, but it's not an official cabinet position nor part of the executive branch (but frequently involved in cabinet meetings).
Reagan tried to dismantle it by appointing Anne Gorsuch, who was very pro-business and anti-"big government". She ended up slashing their budget by 22% and was held in comtempt of Congress for refusing to provide subpoenaed documents explaining why.
And Reagan won reelection in one of the largest landslides in US history in 1984.
(All of this is on )
All that aside for a second..... arguing about the technical definition of "rape" and how it applies in different contexts and jurisdictions is like explaining the difference between a pedophile, hebophile and ephebophile.
Outside of academic settings, it's near impossible to have this argument without sounding like an apologist.
but if you don't eat the bandaids you can't have pudding, that's how this works right?
Which is kinda ironic since most TJs brand stuff is a knockoff of something else. But I get it, because TJs quality is awesome.
this is some useful info to break out at any party where I'd rather not be re-invited.
no, the story in the article about Ramsey numbers is just meant to make you the life of your next party. try it, I'm sure people will love the debate.
Also not insurmountable. My mom used to drag us to the 5:30 (pm) mass growing up, I'm sure there are other churches that do something similar.
There's probably even a Zoom service for that so you can worship whenever you want. Maybe find a church in Hawaii that has a livestream?