Nice! I'm also on Linux, using i3 windows manager. I love the versatility of managing what is shown on each of my screens and jumping focus from workspace to workspace!
Nice! I'm pretty sure I want to go for a Skeletyl as my next board. Where did you get the 3D model from? Do you have any other tips for me to get started?
Very nice! This is the first app that I've tried that can sort comments!
Is there a way to collapse comment threads? That would be really nice but I can't find it yet.
edit: Yes, you can long press a comment, and it will collapse the thread
Do security updates for a minimum of 5 years next
Kaliningrad had entered the chat
I used It took a few goes to delete everything, and I'm checking in a few days to make sure it stays deleted.
This is art
Very cool! I love the layout you have! I'm hoping to do a handwired split keyboard project sometime soon. What kind of chip did you use? Is it a wireless keyboard? I'm curious if you have any tips
I am so dumb
Yeah me too. I don't want to see shorts on my subscriptions page
I've deleted all my posts and comments, and I'm not planning on going back. It's not only what they implemented, but also how they are treating app creators and moderators.
Nice tip! I'm using that now. I noticed that one day it looks like everything is deleted, and the next a few random comments/posts appear. I think it's a technical quirk rather than malice (some form of caching perhaps?) Anyway, I'm rubbing it allow every day now