What phone is this?
joined 2 years ago
Meine Woche Nichtstun geht nun leider zu Ende. Ich hab sie aber sehr genossen, habe mir so wenig wie möglich vorgenommen und es mir zu Hause gemütlich gemacht. Ich überlege sogar, ob ich dieses Jahr nochmal ein paar Urlaubstage dafür einplane. Für mich die beste Form der Entspannung, einfach mal keine Termine zu haben 😄
Hard to pick a favorite, but I love Hello Seattle as well. And On the Wing. And if you count Sky Sailing, then my answer is Sailboats by far!
Adults don't know what they're doing, either. Even my parents. Everyone is just winging it.
Yes, Stardew Valley is so comforting! Helps me unwind after a stressful day.
Anything by Meghan Trainor. Especially that 'All About That Bass' trash.
Same for me. I don't like how I look with them and they get in the way. But I have to admit that they are a huge help for reading street signs or recognizing people from far away... But when I'm not outdoors, I really don't like to wear them.