
joined 11 months ago
[–] shrugs 2 points 2 days ago

We have that in Germany. Everyone pays a monthly fee that is not controlled by the government to create unbiased news and media

[–] shrugs 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It sure is. Just don't expose the management interface to the internet. And stop using the webserver for configuration, real man use ssh. Have fun

[–] shrugs 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

the more you know what you are doing the less impressed you are by ai. calling people that trust ai idiots is not a good start to a conversation though

[–] shrugs 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The problem with search engines is that they try to be as objective as reasonably possible, which means that they don't pick Website A over Website B just because it has better content. What matters is metrics and being favorable to the algorithm.

I agree, but on the other hand, shouldn't a search engine do exactly that, search for the best content?!

[–] shrugs 2 points 1 month ago

If you could just understand that creating the narrative of you against them doesn't help at all. Don't you see how you are pushing everyone away that doesn't think the same as you?

Now I am the asshole too. What a joke...

[–] shrugs 7 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Everyone is so eager to upheld their extreme positions, that the real work, that need to happen in the middle, by people that work together and are willing to compromise, never gets done.

To be honest, I stopped paying attention years ago. The negative effects of getting pissed by all that stupid shit going on far outweighs the positive change I am able to create. I can't even be sure that my point of view is right. Why even bother...

Ignorance sure can be bliss.

[–] shrugs 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

the last kill in a penta has a higher cooldown. As long as everyone else is dead, you still get the penta. From triple to quadra kill you have the default cooldown which is way shorter

[–] shrugs 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Second that. AI these days: as if nobody here could create a screenshot from its steam library: like [email protected] already did. I bet prompting AI even took longer to create that shitty version of a steam library.

[–] shrugs 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I find it rather amusing that big servers are optimized to never fail with redundant pdus and fans and the like but as soon as you have to restart such a device, prepare for 10-20 minute downtime.

My take is: before we had ssds so that a shitty configured windows pc could take up to 5-10 mins to boot, that really was a problem. Nowadays, especially were many devices use suspend instead of shutdown and are much faster, not any more.

On the other hand, my fucking smart tv takes 2 minutes to boot and i hate it.

[–] shrugs 2 points 1 month ago

There is a big difference. If a platform belongs to a single entity, you can pressure that entity especially if its profit driven. If there are thousands interconnected platforms that only share an open protocol the most you can do is shutdown a single instance. That's why an open protocol creating decentralized instances is so much different than a centralized platform. It's like trying to ban email or censor speak: not that has never been tried, but that is a whole different cup of tea.

[–] shrugs 3 points 2 months ago

Always has been

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