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apple maps uses openstreetmap underneath? but I think they add a lot of other data like traffic and poi details
more like GPG's not PGP
Exactly. And even though there are message start and end markers it's not quite clear at which pixel the signed image starts and ends. Also the image format that is signed is not defined.
I think this is fabricated but still very true
*whispers* I stole that signature from cryptostorms warrant canary:
Yeah, you're right. Who thought that it was a good idea to name two things that mean a similar thing PGP and GPG? It is so easy to use the wrong one..
Yeah, maybe that was a reason too
I'm pretty sure that he kept his relationship with his wife a secret, so that women in the country would be interested in him
yeah, i see what you mean, but I haven't seen on of those in a long time
Nett hier.