
joined 9 months ago
[–] shehackedyou 1 points 8 months ago is neat; its in Ruby and very mature project but it requires you to run their own custom IRB application. But beyond that its really easy to use, and probably the most sophisticated that I have seen. Accidentally went to one of their talks in Berlin years ago.


If you make any interesting beats, melodies, samples; I'd be happy to know about them. I could use them next time I decide to make music.


I saw several examples of companies not cooperatives that made money for several employees maintaining a few projects and the trend was they called themselves X Labs

So for now Shy Labs or SHY Labs will be the organization to develop basic software improvements to build reputation, build libraries and tools.

Im nearly finished with a cell shading vStreamer / vTuber scene creator library that will support a variety of functionality to stream from virtual camera instead of physical webcam.

I already have it shading with Cel Shader going for an anime look; and won't take very long-- I could not find FOSS alternatives available when asking around to people who use them and often they were expensive. So making a powerful toolkit for developing programmatic scenes for streaming will significantly increase the quality of stream by making all art across a show consistent; using camera to direct camera, express emotion on button click, follow me and my cats and move model.

Now whats the difference between a scene I programmed to create and one that is a series of vertices with applied textures and can look the same at first glance?

The programmatic system built around a library will provide a wide variety of tools; will enable things like moving the sun across the sky and affecting the indoor lighting.

I generally sort or pick up room, also another function to throw clothes around and make it messy.

Ability to pace back and forth or program other animations that can be applied to various entities or components.

Just wanted an excuse to play around with Rust, needed an upgrade for the stream UI when I return, to make it seem like a different season, be able to visualize logical network as physical network.

Other thing if anyone else wants to try to use the channel or experiment with a show they are welcome to not just use the software its FOSS, but I would be happy to help.

For my friend who is lecturer at a university, for now I may just have an avatar talking to a lecture hall, and maybe eventually cut away to visualize 3D components; or have virtual clickers to answer general class questions

Should finish this tomorrow. Then I will be working on my p2p protocol.

Even I don't make a game, I like the idea of building a mini voxel world where voxels can be combined together then programming added to them. This would be the foundation of tactics game to experiment with. Could make interesting game mechanics even accidentally. I could put various insecure OS or versions of core-tills so you can hack between NPCs

More to come, after this I will probably work on Mastodon fo a bit just to help promote the community; that it can be a place to learn or participate.

Probably will take longer than expected, but that is okay, my software is better;l just would have been nice to see it move faster

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago

Itd be fine even if it was criticism I would try to frame it in the way that would get at the underlying concept I felt was important; because I care enough to actually try to convince you and not to walk away or be satisfied with a childish quip.

dont worry you wont offend me, I'm not a great writer either, I have to edit a lot-- so waiting can sometimes be wise

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't know if we can go back to those places though, the internet has to be defined with the dimension of time and I don't think it simply goes in reverse. Its not like technology has to "progress" either; these are concepts kinda taught to believe, and why most people assume evolution is towards something, at the very least they will say positive change; when all it implies is change. Change that does not significantly reduce the life expectancy and survival rates.

Yeah I agree, because leftists can't realy post opening on the public internet. Its a form of self-censorship, our records are definitely likely to be used against use; while right wing terrorists are often given funding.

RIght now we need a solution that combines both being easy, secure, and ideally has the most of the data. And the security may enable you to have the last one; and if its presented in basically the same way could achieve the first.

So because of the tools mostly being complete or much easier to work with since last time I looked, I'm going to put together a specialized DHT design I worked on to remove the need for seed nodes. Via-Psuedo Anonymous Trustlessness. For example if you opt for several trust strategies combined, you will end up with a better balance for practically every type of p2p protocol. Because of Bitcoin now no one knows what any of the defintions mean, what the components are, and just care about having unique tokens which is why recent "advancements" have been creation of tokens easily, essentially penny stocks; but even more unregulated. Cryptosecurities more than cryptocurrency; and I think assuming asymmetric encryption + p2p network leads to bad or currency; there is a lot being missed that we may need to start building.

I have been working on p2p networks for a long time now, since basically BitTorrent made me obessed; and the truth is if you remove the "trustless" requirement out; so many things people think need to be in a p2p protocol, no longer need to be there making everything much simpler.

I think mastodon or is demonstrating a confederated design by using exact definitions, in away like a communalism bottom up approach. And I think there are obvious benefits to this model; I think its still inadequate because it doesn't actually address the real problems. And I engineer to solve problems, so I like to be very conscious of the problems I'm trying to solve, otherwise how can I measure it to know if its working?

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago

Yes, I have experimented a lot with QubesOS. I have spent time with the developers and made contributions to their project but utliamtely never liked using it. Multiverse OS isn't perfect but its built around my needs

[–] shehackedyou 1 points 8 months ago

Yeah but you can't also discount the amount of time invested people spend into learning a specific technique or software; people expect to get the most out of that time investment because for the most part it is difficult for people (aka they are not nerds for software like me); I might have time to package a KVM/QEMU with MacOS to create a macOS version of wine which wouldn't be the best solution but itd be free which would b helpful to people. Will depend on how well M1/M2 software ports to other ARM64 but I doubt its too difficerent. OR probably just enough different

[–] shehackedyou 1 points 8 months ago

Latency is always an issue, storage is another issue with how big the files typically are. Telegram gives 2GB transfers and you can actually lerverage their data transfer network even though they dont like you to do it by itself

I was thinking more classical vertical or horizontal sequencers or whatever audacity is (DAW?) would be much easier to make collaboration even beyond 2 people by giving each a mouse and ability to start stop; and probably want ability to experiment locally and merge in your results.

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Servo lets you utilize the rendering engine directly, without needing to have a browser cut down, and really only the best versions of those are essentially rewrites.

But Servo was always built as a separate module to be used in a modular way; the API didn't exist until more recently.

One can now create "PWAs" which are a way of leveraging web assembly without a full browser but just access again tot he rendering engine.

Ideally you shouldn't need JS; you should be able to raytrace to the spot that was selected just selecting the heighted z-index element at a given section.

Then any reactions could things throwng to the renderer early a possible and put into a shadow buffer to probably some sort of animated swipe.

Should only really need HTML and CSS; the biggest benefits honestly come from regular changes made to HTTP protocol itself (WS, QUIC, etc) and the pressure to add useful features like webGL or server side rendering requests.

Packaging an extra browser is a very extreme fucking move which is why I'm so surprised to see it become the stadard especialpy from companies like ProtonMail; where a bridge, or a actual desktop application could have provided massively more security; they just repackaged their code witha browser and pretended like they did something knew. If anyone turns that in as acceptable work taht would be a huge red flag for me, because do they must know we can checksum JS already; and if you need JS, you can remove connection functionality from net.Conn

Now with PureGo soemone recently showed how easy it was to due a purego SDK2 which ironically from talking tot he developer I don't think he even realized how powerful of a tool he created is, and how many new projects are going to show up. I plan on QEMU/KVM myself, and Ruby MRI, whereas I used to embed binary and run the binaries as memFS; I'd never assume a binary or its security; or run terminal commands from a system applicaiton and think that was remotely acceptable behavior.

[–] shehackedyou 1 points 8 months ago

So I was looking at Bevy written in Rust

Its like a combination of wanting to play with Rust, wanting to use the ECS system which seems very cool, and create a game or at least a virtual space I could use on stream that I can programmatically control then I could have an avatar. There is duel reasons for wanting a good engine that simple.

If I could build a really good cell shade rendering engine I could write comic books and quickly setup scenes and get different angels. Itd be weird for sure I have considered using this

The genart of 3D items does appear to be getting better quickly, just tested it yesterday but its only good at generated random items; but the truth is you can basically do what openSCAD does, and instead of making each screw type, you make them all parameters to generate any time of screw.

I will write an article on all this new programmatic 3D stuff that has spawned from openSCAD which is programming version of CAD software. Which is used by engineers to model physical things.

Again this is why we need an open database, also then we could pull down parts of it and throw it through standard diffusion to get what we want even offline

With programatic models of say a table you could make each one randomizbly different as placed in the game world. And thats without the genart

I like these open-source remakes of games, Id never do that or probably play it; I might use a custom opensource counterstrike client though

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (5 children)

I love that answer, I feel the same way, I like helping people solve problems too because I get to show off and help at the same time; computer science when understood allows you to go to any language and just try to figure out how to do the thing you already know is the right way and possible in the new language.

There are solutions that don't require you to use the whole browser now, using web assembly called pwm i think, I just saw it. It asks the browser just to use the rendering engine making it significantly more secure (naturalich) when allowing a language as complex as JS be in the UI.

Its very similar to electron but more modern, Ill send you the link once i find it again, I was waiting for access to the rendering engines, I started building lexers and parsers for HTML and CSS with the intention of building a renderer.

I lately been using the chrome-dp and turning off javascript personally for UI, or sometimes Ill opt to just use QT. It depends on the problem.

I kinda want to get a application that easily connects everyone here so we dont have to rely just on lemmy and mastodon; but they are good places; just want infrastructure to build ontop of

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I made a kinda medium sized post on here today with an intro into music theory trying to keep it simple as possible.

If you have any questions for the basics I can likely help out. I got really into it, because I really enjoyed the math components and the idea of programming music been wanting since childhood and its cool to see all the programmatic music options. Because thats going to be basically applied music theory and you can build most of it into a library to be honest once you have the basics

Like this library

If you can read code that will give you basically teach you everything most music theory classes will teach you.

But I like trying to understand the underlying physics, like how it repeats and harmonics and resonance are really good things to know about in general.

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

We need to make it easier to help people we have the technology, we need the people to invest the time, and at the very least alleviate suffering.

[–] shehackedyou 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yeah thre are core concepts with the software used to make music and once you learn those core concpts learning another program is mostly about the flow; they can essentially all have the same features at this point with VSTs

I kinda wish there was a universal filetype so if you wanted to work with him from abelton it would export as like a ,song that could be loaded by fruity loops. Because I have the same problem, I use garage band because it came on this computer and i was really lazy about it. i would pirate logic but that takes more effort than i care for the extra features. right now i dont even have a midi controller so I am painting notes, But maybe using the different strategies helps develop something


Often two big hurdles with remote music collaboration; no way to easily transfer the big files, or software is different and the musician often doesn't know what to do.

A piece of software that would extract each track by creating a object that could ideally be placed in a newly constructed file of ones choosing.

Another thing for collaboration of electronic music, since the latency issue since you are mostly just pressing buttons.

Ultimately it is nagware does allow collaboration and functionality is approaching garage band

I use garage band, it is really dumb there is not a universal filetype for musicians

i remember someone mentioning working on their own filetype

But really if multiple people took to the programmatic approach to making music then itd be very easy to just add a socket connection and pass updates back and forth.

Which could also be useful for people who do paired programming; and maybe this would be a good project is some sort of shared editor likely with an online version for people to actually use it.

For now I will be going back and forth with garage band and programmatic songs; then edit the results in audacity

If anyone uses garageand its really lame but you would be really easy to collaborate wtih.

AI music is boring, it cant replace musicians, it does give us a way to genart (generative art) samples or basically role the dice but to get something close to what you were thinking about.

Mistaking that tool, for sentience is outstanding to me. It would be nice to have a public dataset and site that lets you generate music from the public domain and creative commons and allow generation from prompt. Like an open street maps for stable diffusion prompt generated music


I probably won't use this specific library but I think I will start writing my music this way, it would be interested to have open source music be beyond a midi, but the software used to construct it.

I have a friend who knows how to read sheet music and play piano. Which generally means you intuitively know quite, a bit about music theory since the piano any key followed by the next.

So to help her get started I showed her this project

This is the song I made, and could be a good starting point. Basically it has two instruments, melody and percussion. The limitations make it easier to understand the key concepts before we introduce more complexity into the learning process.

If you don't know music theory, its based around the concept of intervals, so a major chord is always [1,3,5] but we don't speak python so its [0,2,4]. Some of these intervals sound awful, and some give you weird possibly unexplainable feelings. The trick to to staying in key is using intervals that start from the note you want to play in. Say C, and any interval that is considered good can be played if they land on any white key; that would be staying in the key of C.

I'm very interested in the programmatic music because it means you could use it in gamedev likely to great effect. And I'm not even really into games anymore.

I do have an idea for one that I think would be a lot of fun to play. And even better to win. Generative art or what Im just going to call it genart from now on, prompt genart music, or input genart ouput.

Combined with programmatic music, programmatic shapes originating from openSCAD. The idea is making alterations that seem significant to the player would be trivial to change in the code, and enable you to develop everything much faster.


And while, sure without encryption we would not ever had commerce over the internet; and encryption ability to enable commerce on the internet is accumulative and so as time went on cryptography has enabled the sale of more and more things.

But the signatures are where the real magic is found, especially because you can keep the signature in several complex networks to enable impossible to break proof that the check if text was generated by an associated private key.

You get interesting properties doing recursive nesting.

Any innovation in cryptography will come out of functionality of signatures and their ability to verify data. Multi-signatures are a very basic example of utilizing recursive embedding mentioned above to package the signatures in a consistent set 3 packages for an escrow; and how they are packaged allows some level of programmatic control over authority, this functionality is empowered by a blockchain because then you get a reliable result for time; but in the real world timelockfunctionality was added to enable attempting to programmatically control cryptography in this way to "close the program" in a sense.


I'm already building protocol tools, and I actually enjoy writing network code, especially for games, but its so much easier now that QUIC exists since its basically the old trick of taking UDP and applying some TCP features to make it function better for games over say streaming.

An online game using ActivityPub for its user system would allow for quick implementation of many necessary features, and using reference material and generative 3D models, or even programmable 3D models demos could be made a lot easier; leaving the developers to focus on just the parts that make their game unique.

I'm actually writing a long-form article on generative art, the bad parts, how expecting laws to save us when we have no control over our lawmakers, is a pipe dream.

So creating a list of actionable strategies for workers, artists, and everyone in between at least begin the discussion of the best strategy to make these tools work for us, and take way power from the few.


My strategy typically is using to search for interesting papers

Copy the link, or the DOI and drop it into SciHub and you will have a complete copy of the paper.

SciHub will always be a better resource for learning science than any science journalism from the Guardian or wherever. And if you find an interesting paper, and don't understand it, or have questions, or want to know what kind of paper it is, or if it has merit: share it and we can discuss it.

Using this strategy after Uni I was able to re-learn all the new physics and chemistry discoveries that happened after I lost access to my school's papers.

At Uni I spent most of my time reading scientific papers and in the library reading esoteric books; but even then you got access to a fraction of the papers since your school only gets subscriptions to a limited number of places.

Her project was so successful she had to go on the run; not sure if she still is.

Even at universities like Berlin's Frei Universtat they tell their students to use SciHub because you get more access to what is literally everyone's inheritance of scientific knowledge

Another character in this story is Aaron Swartz creator of RSS, and Markdown (Used in this software)

He is essentially a martyr because he was caught copying every paper from JSTOR, which actually isn't even papers that are copyright protected its just a service that holds papers. But the FBI wanted to make an example of him and facing decades in prison and being a computer expert, he would be labeled and hacker and get solitary, which is literally torture (even according to the UN).

So he took his own life before he went to jail and we lost a kind soul, and a truly great mind. And he had only just begun his contributions to the open source community and made tools we all still use today.

RSS? If you listen to podcasts you are using a tool he created.

So don't let these people who risked their lives, or lost them, to get you access to all this scientific knowledge that rightfully belongs to everyone; and not use the tools that are available to you. Scientific papers will teach you so much more about the world than or any other random tech site.

Look up articles on Phosphorus and learn about how the European who discovered it collected pee from everyone he knew like the weirdest guy ever but then discovered something that significantly changed the world. Or find out about femto-second lasers, because femto-second clocks are cheap and you can build one!


I did my best to summarize the text below in the title, with the limited word count of a title, here is a sample of the text, the article is open access and you should read it.

Don't Read Scientific Articles Often?

That is okay, we are here to teach each other what we know.

If you are unfamiliar with scientific articles, this is what is called a "review article" and more specifically this would be a systematic review article. It is not research itself, but it is a collection of research articles put together to create a larger narrative.

I want people here to learn more about scientific articles if they were never in academia so they can begin using them more as sources for their work and general understanding; instead of relying on very bad science journalists who write articles that don't cite the papers often, and totally misunderstand the scope or point of the article; and are rewarded for misinterpretation that leads to sensationalism.

This is not sensationalism, this is a realistic look at the state of our world, using scientific articles cited to support every point made. And the outcome of the review is an explanation of how the ecosystem is collapsing. Climate instability is a single factor, the feedback loops that maintain our various ecosystems are falling apart quickly.

How and why do I know so much about this topic? I'm in love with very talented ecologist with a masters in ecology, specializing in fungi communication via chemicals (and in computer terms the protocols used to talk to other fungi or even bacteria).

Its unrequited but she is never-the-less a close friend and has introduced me to many ecologists so I have had long conversations with ecologists around the world. And the conversations are always very fucking grim; and when I step back and review the conversations in the way this article reviews research papers, the picture is pretty clear, global warming, or better said climate instability, is a red-herring to make you not see the much much much worse problem we are facing. Focusing on a single molecule COˆ2, or even methane which is far worse, makes the problem seem solvable by capitalism. But capitalism is the software running that is using up the resources, and crashing the planet like a bad piece of software on a computer; an infinite loop, checking far too few variables and we are not allowed to kill -9 it. We just get to watch it slowly crash the "Deep Thought" computer, or a less nerdy way to say it: Earth, a prettier way to say it: Terra (because maybe Hitchhikers Guide viewing the earth as a computer is useful way to view this problem).

An Excerpt From The Scientific Article

UK Chief Scientist John Beddington’s argument that the world faced a ‘perfect storm’ of global events by 2030 has now become a prescient warning. Recent mention of ‘ghastly futures’, ‘widespread ecosystem collapse’ and ‘domino effects on sustainability goals’ tap into a growing consensus within some scientific communities that the Earth is rapidly destabilizing through ‘cascades of collapse’. Some even speculate on ‘end-of-world’ scenarios involving transgressing planetary boundaries (climate, freshwater and ocean acidification), accelerating reinforcing (positive) feedback mechanisms and multiplicative stresses. Prudent risk management clearly requires consideration of the factors that may lead to these bad-to-worst-case scenarios. Put simply, the choices we make about ecosystems and landscape management can accelerate change unexpectedly.

The potential for rapid destabilization of Earth’s ecosystems is, in part, supported by observational evidence for increasing rates of change in key drivers and interactions between systems at the global scale (Supplementary Introduction). For example, despite decreases in global birth rates and increases in renewable energy generation, the general trends of population, greenhouse gas concentrations and economic drivers (such as gross domestic product) are upwards—often with acceleration through the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Similar non-stationary trends for ecosystem degradation imply that unstable subsystems are common. Furthermore, there is strong evidence globally for the increased frequency and magnitude of erratic events, such as heatwaves and precipitation extremes. Examples include the sequence of European summer droughts since 2015, fire-promoting phases of the tropical Pacific and Indian ocean variability and regional flooding, already implicated in reduced crop yields and increased fatalities and normalized financial costs.

The increased frequency and magnitude of erratic events is expected to continue throughout the twenty-first century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report concludes that ‘multiple climate hazards will occur simultaneously, and multiple climatic and non-climatic risks will interact, resulting in compounding overall risk and risks cascading across sectors and regions. Overall, global warming will increase the frequency of unprecedented extreme events, raise the probability of compound events15 and ultimately could combine to make multiple system failures more likely. For example, there is a risk that many tipping points can be triggered within the Paris Agreement range of 1.5 to 2 °C warming, including collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, die-off of low-latitude coral reefs and widespread abrupt permafrost thaw. These tipping points are contentious and with low likelihood in absolute terms but with potentially large impacts should they occur. In evaluating models of real-world systems, we therefore need to be careful that we capture complex feedback networks and the effects of multiple drivers of change that may act either antagonistically or synergistically. Prompted by these ideas and findings, we use computer simulation models based on four real-world ecosystems to explore how the impacts of multiple growing stresses from human activities, global warming and more interactions between systems could shorten the time left before some of the world’s ecosystems may collapse.


I did my best to summarize the text below in the title, with the limited word count of a title, here is a sample of the text, the article is open access and you should read it.

Don't Read Scientific Articles Often?

That is okay, we are here to teach each other what we know.

If you are unfamiliar with scientific articles, this is what is called a "review article" and more specifically this would be a systematic review article. It is not research itself, but it is a collection of research articles put together to create a larger narrative.

I want people here to learn more about scientific articles if they were never in academia so they can begin using them more as sources for their work and general understanding; instead of relying on very bad science journalists who write articles that don't cite the papers often, and totally misunderstand the scope or point of the article; and are rewarded for misinterpretation that leads to sensationalism.

This is not sensationalism, this is a realistic look at the state of our world, using scientific articles cited to support every point made. And the outcome of the review is an explanation of how the ecosystem is collapsing. Climate instability is a single factor, the feedback loops that maintain our various ecosystems are falling apart quickly.

How and why do I know so much about this topic? I'm in love with very talented ecologist with a masters in ecology, specializing in fungi communication via chemicals (and in computer terms the protocols used to talk to other fungi or even bacteria).

Its unrequited but she is never-the-less a close friend and has introduced me to many ecologists so I have had long conversations with ecologists around the world. And the conversations are always very fucking grim; and when I step back and review the conversations in the way this article reviews research papers, the picture is pretty clear, global warming, or better said climate instability, is a red-herring to make you not see the much much much worse problem we are facing. Focusing on a single molecule COˆ2, or even methane which is far worse, makes the problem seem solvable by capitalism. But capitalism is the software running that is using up the resources, and crashing the planet like a bad piece of software on a computer; an infinite loop, checking far too few variables and we are not allowed to kill -9 it. We just get to watch it slowly crash the "Deep Thought" computer, or a less nerdy way to say it: Earth, a prettier way to say it: Terra (because maybe Hitchhikers Guide viewing the earth as a computer is useful way to view this problem).

An Excerpt From The Scientific Article

UK Chief Scientist John Beddington’s argument that the world faced a ‘perfect storm’ of global events by 2030 has now become a prescient warning. Recent mention of ‘ghastly futures’, ‘widespread ecosystem collapse’ and ‘domino effects on sustainability goals’ tap into a growing consensus within some scientific communities that the Earth is rapidly destabilizing through ‘cascades of collapse’. Some even speculate on ‘end-of-world’ scenarios involving transgressing planetary boundaries (climate, freshwater and ocean acidification), accelerating reinforcing (positive) feedback mechanisms and multiplicative stresses. Prudent risk management clearly requires consideration of the factors that may lead to these bad-to-worst-case scenarios. Put simply, the choices we make about ecosystems and landscape management can accelerate change unexpectedly.

The potential for rapid destabilization of Earth’s ecosystems is, in part, supported by observational evidence for increasing rates of change in key drivers and interactions between systems at the global scale (Supplementary Introduction). For example, despite decreases in global birth rates and increases in renewable energy generation, the general trends of population, greenhouse gas concentrations and economic drivers (such as gross domestic product) are upwards—often with acceleration through the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Similar non-stationary trends for ecosystem degradation imply that unstable subsystems are common. Furthermore, there is strong evidence globally for the increased frequency and magnitude of erratic events, such as heatwaves and precipitation extremes. Examples include the sequence of European summer droughts since 2015, fire-promoting phases of the tropical Pacific and Indian ocean variability and regional flooding, already implicated in reduced crop yields and increased fatalities and normalized financial costs.

The increased frequency and magnitude of erratic events is expected to continue throughout the twenty-first century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report concludes that ‘multiple climate hazards will occur simultaneously, and multiple climatic and non-climatic risks will interact, resulting in compounding overall risk and risks cascading across sectors and regions. Overall, global warming will increase the frequency of unprecedented extreme events, raise the probability of compound events15 and ultimately could combine to make multiple system failures more likely. For example, there is a risk that many tipping points can be triggered within the Paris Agreement range of 1.5 to 2 °C warming, including collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, die-off of low-latitude coral reefs and widespread abrupt permafrost thaw. These tipping points are contentious and with low likelihood in absolute terms but with potentially large impacts should they occur. In evaluating models of real-world systems, we therefore need to be careful that we capture complex feedback networks and the effects of multiple drivers of change that may act either antagonistically or synergistically. Prompted by these ideas and findings, we use computer simulation models based on four real-world ecosystems to explore how the impacts of multiple growing stresses from human activities, global warming and more interactions between systems could shorten the time left before some of the world’s ecosystems may collapse.


Initially, I created the account to hold the projects I was working on in the weekly open-source improv computer science classes I was holding. But now I want to back off, create a community around it, and return probably to my Wade-Welles account or a new Ekis account.

I just wanted to announce our sudden growth and talk about ways I can take the project name, which is tied to a California based non-profit already (we could convert it to a cooperative, which is a new company design available in California (and has existed for a long time in Latin America) or we can re-work the articles of incorporation to function as a non-profit cooperative by basically programming the right rule set), and start the conversion from it being a part of one of my many internet personas and help it develop into a vibrant leftist science-oriented community.

I want a place where we can put projects and fork projects to improve them and collaborate. I'm not fond of Github; I hate that owners were willing to sell it to Microsoft.

We will have our own Git web client setup soon on probably, but many projects are still on GitHub, so this will be useful regardless.

I will also be working, so will provide email addresses to people who want them and subdomains for grey-literature journals or other projects. I will probably move my grey literature notebook from the primary domain to, which now goes to the channel.

I released the shehackedyou name on Twitch and should be able to take it over soon, so the Twitch channel will be appropriately named.

I also do plan on starting free improv weekly leftist-oriented science classes again, now that my temporary housing situation is more stable and while my servers are not in their rack, they are stacked next to a table, but I have access to them again.

And I have the rest of the equipment needed to stream. (I accidentally stored my MIDI controller and liked using it for buttons). Also, the software I wrote to automatically follow the active window is completed.

I will open the channel to anyone interested in offering free science lectures.

For full transparency, when I was running the classes we were earning around 50 USD a month. This revenue can be used to support members, pay for hosting, system administration, and other things we can think of. But it will be spent in a way that is democratic because the organization WILL be a cooperative. And its very realistic it will generate revenue for us to use to empower our members or further our yet to be defined objectives.

I already have a series of lectures from a Nurse who came from a low-income family but ended up going to Yale and working for NASA, and her perspective and knowledge are incredible. She is now teaching, so I will encourage her to provide more lectures in which we can find people to do animations to illustrate concepts, or I'll get her set up to stream. She has vast knowledge of biology and aerospace, solid opinions about space and peace, and has been working her way into the UN. She is also a hacker, not in the computer way, in the way she got a press pass and can now use it to get into events previously she would be barred from. For example, she knew the hospital system so well she called into a hospital she had never worked at to ensure her sister, who was severely injured, got treated immediately.

And if you want to check her communist credentials? She has a literal bust of Mao the size of her smallest kid. Where is your bust of Mao?

This is one new part of the evolution of this community and project: to expand it and let it grow further.

Please comment with any objections, problems, or complaints, or even if you like the idea, you can show your support.

But I want honest feedback to help this project grow into what it could be. I already talked to the (I hate the name) dev, and they will accept my pull requests. There are a lot of places for improvement. I wrote in a weekend a more feature-rich link aggregator back when I lived in Germany just because, and I was going to write one for this community or resurrect the one I had because it had weird features like supporting PGP/RSA/ECDSA-based logins, almost zero javascript for the benefit of Tor users.

The primary project of the stream was originally, which is basically like QubesOS but done better and on Debian instead of Red Hat.

For Example, QubesOS, at least at the time, ran all their VMs as root, which means a breakout has root access in the hypervisor. I even talked with the QubesOS developers and the developer of Whonix (who is incredible and brilliant) because my project was a mixture of those. I learned a lot about their problems and found out that many didn't even use the operating system. I have used Multiverse-OS for over 4 years now; there is no installer yet, but it's a working and incredibly secure project.

This doesn't have to be the focus anymore; I will go into more detail about Multiverse OS in another post. Because it is a passion of mine, and I do use it, and I kinda started the project as a demonstration on building an open source community around a project from scratch; because I have done this many times before and I wanted to demonstrate it on stream as a way to teach others.

And if you read this-- Create a post! Introduce yourself, you deserve your own post, not a thread with a bunch of people talking about different things so people can ask you questions and learn more about you; your work; your interests- and how what you think about the state of computer science*

(For example, I think it is completely fucked; and most science has reproducibility problems because computer scientists are not working on critically important open-source science equipment and instead creating stupid fucking hype cycles and selling phones with essentially no real hardware improvements every year, driving the need for rare earth minerals that fuel wars in fucking Africa. It drives pain and suffering, waste, and lies and unfortunately it also drives me).

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