And where will it get the cash? An analogue of OnlyFans.
Watch, it'll happen.
Edit: grammar
And where will it get the cash? An analogue of OnlyFans.
Watch, it'll happen.
Edit: grammar
No E2EE for DMs, groups, or notes.
That's going to be the deal breaker for most.
You do know who controls Afghanistan now, right?
Exactly. Randall Munroe turns 40 before the end of this year.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel, I guess?
Edit: In the 80s, children were seriously evaluated for learning disabilty if they could not read cursive, as it was considered a developmental necessity. They didn't joke around with this back then.
It would have cost you nothing not to promote the concept of tooth boners.
Main character syndrome.
Oh, there you are, Shadow of the Colossus.
2005 (PS2), 2011 (PS3 w/ Ico), and 2018 (PS4 remake)