Nice post, count me in. It is my birthday, so I really wanna 'just pop up the pub', which usually means a monumental bender. I shall not though. 24hrs here we go.
EDIT: Only just realised this is ongoing check - such a great idea.
Nice post, count me in. It is my birthday, so I really wanna 'just pop up the pub', which usually means a monumental bender. I shall not though. 24hrs here we go.
EDIT: Only just realised this is ongoing check - such a great idea.
I wanted to finish playing the cinematics, before I had a look at the campaigns. Once I have (starting DoW in a fortnight) I shall step up and try my hand at GMing. Then, I will get the campaign modules available. Building Better Worlds looks more interesting than Colonial Marines, so hopefully that will be out, by the time I finish HoD.
Space Truckers though, if only, huh? Soon (tm).
I have read two of his and thoroughly enjoyed them both - but cannot remember title of the second one... EDIT: Children of Ruin!