
joined 1 year ago
[–] serendepity -1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

You say that with a lot of certainty, but without any evidence to back it up. If history is any indication, lasting change is won from the bottom-up. You have to get the masses at large on your side first and the best way to do it is to show them, in small steps, that it can be done and that it’s effective.

[–] serendepity 26 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (25 children)

And waste my vote in a de-facto two party, first-past-the-post system, thereby accelerating the downfall of democracy? No, thank you. They might both be pieces of shit, but one is significantly less so than the other.

[–] serendepity 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

That’s a very myopic view of the whole thing. In a two-party system, first past the post system, not voting for the party for which you would have otherwise voted is virtually the same as voting for the other party. A two party system is a zero sum game and unfortunately for us, it’s the system we have.

Fascism cannot flourish without the presence of a weak, ineffective liberal party.

And I agree; the onus is on us to strengthen it. We need to change it – which is why wee need build awareness and start changing things from the ground up. Even revolutions cannot be sustained if the working class is not politically engaged. Forcing the democratic party to run more working-class, progressive candidates at the local and state levels is one of the most effective ways to do it. At the same time, we must not forget that we’re stuck in a zero some game, lest we undo the progress we have made.

[–] serendepity 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Do you really think that liberals are fascists? I’m curious to know why you think so. Blatant corporatists and complicit in keeping the war machine running? Sure. But I don’t see how you can call them fascists. That’s a very broad brush you’re painting with.

[–] serendepity 1 points 2 days ago (6 children)

I think this is missing some nuance. While Marx accurately notes that liberals will talk about the imminent threat of fascism to gain public support and push the Overton window ever so slightly to the right in the name of bipartisanship, voting strategically to keep the right from taking reins is unfortunately the only viable option until such a time that grass-root campaigns can be used to change the political makeup at the municipal, district, and state levels first. It takes time to raise awareness, get the working class politically engaged, and build political momentum. Not voting for the lesser evil in a two party system, until such a time that you have built up ideological support with the masses, is a very privileged position to take because it assumes that the damage done by doing so won’t affect you that much.

[–] serendepity 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I’m sorry but short of a revolution (which is unlikely), or slow, measured positive change over the course of decades (which we’d still have to fight hard for), we’re stuck with a two party system and you shouldn’t blame people for sticking with the lesser of two evils. I do agree that Liberals can be heavy handed with their bans, but I guess they’re doing so to keep the discourse focused. Trump is a very real and immediate threat who might commit far more heinous crime if he becomes the president again.

[–] serendepity 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

“Settlers” is such mild terminology. We should be calling them “colonizers”. Tbf though, the Pilgrims and other early American settlers were no pacifists. That’s just the image public education and the media has painted for us.

[–] serendepity 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

If this is indeed real, can somebody please point me to the paper/text? That introduction has piqued my curiosity and I wanna read the whole thing, even if the math might be incomprehensible.

[–] serendepity 12 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Lurker checking in to acknowledge my shame. I like that the fediverse has better discourse than reddit and I want to contribute to it. It’s just that I have been a lurker for so long that it’s gonna take some time to start actively engaging.

[–] serendepity 25 points 1 month ago

“…women as second-class citizens”. Dude, you’re the ones trying to limit access to female reproductive care.

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