Looks aside, she's actually a real ghoul. My heart breaks for those poor kids
The Tim Walz VP get was such a W. Kamala's campaign was already blazing hot, adding Coach Walz is genius level 5d chess. Trump and Vance have nothing, right wing media "talent" are filling their diapers.. it's glorious
Walz just graduated from stage cooking and he's already serving JD up like a executive chef at a Michelin rated restaurant, can't wait for this
Actually Based Beyond Belief 🙌 that's a W quote if there ever was one
Those poor kids with Sarah Slanders look absolutely horrified, rightly so
Hey just DM'd you as I don't want to hijack this celebratory thread with cat-sadness. Thanks for being so kind and sympathetic
Jesse Weirders
I didn't know that he already had a family before he fucked it up, but I'm not surprised. This guy has the smug vibe of a serial killer that hasn't been caught yet, very punchable face/10
Thank you so much for this, Dharma. It's eerily similar to what his sister (litter mate) passed away from and we're just trying our best to hang on. My wife and I both have her paw print tattooed on us (my wrist, her ankle) and It's only been a year and a half. We can't lose our little dude, it's too soon
With all of the horrible stuff that just never ends in this world, the existential dread blanketing me over the health of my cat, this little thing.. the announcement of a show I love coming back has brightened my day considerably
He would for sure do that