You can, it'll cost more and give you less, but you can.
That's the way this works.
You can, it'll cost more and give you less, but you can.
That's the way this works.
Which changes rules, but not the resulting balance or lack thereof.
Dunno, if it'll blast marches ...
Stargate SG-1, full of blatant military propaganda (I know it's not so bad, but), was filmed there.
If the US is going back on the deal, then Canada should too. Make it legal to jailbreak all US tech.
That should be considered with plans for further escalation varying from nothing to an embargo.
Though arguably piracy and jailbreaking are not so bad for said domination. Microsoft practically encouraged piracy in ex-USSR at some point. Piracy solves the availability problem, supports market share, leads to short-term loss in sales but long-term growth.
But that's Microsoft, while US government in general seems to think DMCA is for them what the Sound was for the Danish crown in middle ages.
keeping you engaged on their terms. And their terms alone. There's no freedom
So keeping you engaged on seemingly your own terms is acceptable and possible?
Such articles just make me think of Bluesky with boredom and suspicion.
The real free web is the non-existent luddite web. It should solve problems platforms solve now, but with minimal engagement possible, ideally look for a second, push a button and leave for a walk. A platform is not interested in minimizing engagement, so it should be a system where paid work necessary for its operation doesn't allow one to become a platform.
I like talking about that, and even tried to push myself (executive dysfunction is a bitch) to try to start a little toy project of something like small web (meaning objects with basic hypertext pages with links to other objects ; with current state of an object being a result of many crud-like messages, and which are considered and which are not would be determined by signatures and chain of trust, meaning that two people with different political views could have very different versions of the same forum and both be happy ; such messages and not resulting objects would be what's stored and replicated, like something between Usenet and a version control system). But then realized I don't really want to do that, just to talk about that, and that's more complex than it reads. Maybe eventually, when I'm twice older.
Bad at counting is not the same as bad at math. People bad at math I'd rather have use their hands to count.
People with bad handwriting are usually even more challenged to type with bullshit modern keyboards. I'm one such (I like my handwriting when I have time and mood, but that's not the usual situation).
OK, I get your point, just these analogies I gave are good for LLMs. I've yet to meet a person who'd really use them with good results. Except for me using porn chatbots.
Surprised? Just yesterday got banned from one TG group.
I commented under a post, its author, ignoring the contents except for the first sentence, wrote that I seem snobbish and talking down so could I please change my writing style. I explained why I won't change my writing style, but made a big effort for it to be friendly and substantiated - that, first, they could specify what should be replaced with what, and second, not when that impedes meaning.
They answered with a ChatGPT response which was gibberish (with such emotion as if that were obvious authority), I answered with a cool article called "GPT in 500 lines" explaining basics of how that works, and also why that gibberish is wrong, in detail. They and a few others ignored everything I said and kept repeating their opinion. Then I wrote one comment with tone becoming a bit closer to theirs noting that they use long smart words incorrectly and don't seem to know how logic works (except for the word itself). Then I got banned.
The scariest thing is - this happened in a TG group for autistic people. Supposedly those least likely to behave in such way. I sometimes forget that autistic people can be dumb or trying to replace intellect with intrigue.
So I'm not surprised, uneducated people would find what to copy-paste before, - "look, that's my opinion written by someone in the Internet, this means I'm right, I won, hahaha", - and now they ask GPT bots for responses.
Threema isn't. Anyway, it's a bad list. It's reminiscent of Russian "import replacement" lists which nobody takes seriously.
Likely this, and those 100bln are a lot for the right people involved in the tremendous effort that will unfortunately fail, but you never know
Ecosia is a Bing proxy.
What doesn't work with Lynx is a wrong website.