
joined 4 days ago
[–] robbinhood 1 points 46 minutes ago

Dude there's no need for petty insults. Clowns are highly trained professionals who bring joy to the world. No need to insult them with unfair associations to slimy dinosaur politicians.

[–] robbinhood 19 points 5 hours ago

They shall be tut-tutted once, tut-tutted twice, tut-tutted three times. And they might get a stern glare as well.

[–] robbinhood 13 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

And if they gut medicaid, that'll push pestilence even further and contribute to death as well. The situation in Ukraine contributes to war.

I've never bought into the apocalypse stuff but it's interesting how quickly and easily things line up.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago

I'm pretty sure once she crosses into "physical" action (not the right word but not sure what to use) she's probably just getting removed herself. In this hypothetical case, maybe that encourages widespread resistance, but I think we'll hear crickets in a few weeks.

If she's going to extreme measures, probably best to do so as a last resort. She might be able to pin Adams under state laws or other mechanisms to try and remove him. If nothing else, better to go into a showdown with Trump with stronger legal backing.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

So what does the governor do? What does anyone do? What's "the" action? The only avenue forward is hopefully legal measures because if governor breaks any serious laws she's done and nothing happens.

Yeah, it is all political theater because one party is much more powerful than the other.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

True, sticks won't bring about world peace on their own. Might save Europe from getting whacked for now.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago (4 children)

Yeah I think we all agree Trump doesn't give AF about what's legal. But crucially, Trump can do that because he's commander in chief of the world's largest military, has a Supreme Court that supports him, has a rabid base that would go to war for him, and a Congress that overall is more favorable to him than Democrats.

In other words, Trump is in a position to flout rules. The governor is not. This doesn't make me happy. I don't support it. But it is what it is.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

Hopefully we reach a war-free era in the not so distant future and humanity prospers.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 22 hours ago (5 children)

There were three guys with sticks. China couldn't project power far but Soviet-Sino relations were strained and the risk of war was high because they share borders.

I'd love for there to be a world with no sticks period but humanity is a long way from that. Europe becoming the forth guy with a stick could force everyone else, and especially Russia, to be more cautious. And if it comes to blows, the EU/UK are gonna want to have that stick.

If you're EU/UK and multiple parties are around you with big sticks, would you rather be defenseless or have a stick?

[–] robbinhood 1 points 23 hours ago (6 children)

"Do you honestly think having some legal justification would change anything about how Trump would respond?"

Not sure where you're going with this. Sadly, we're in a might makes right era. I'd be surprised if Trump pays more than cursory attention to the lawyers advising him.

Pretty much the only thing the governor can do is political theater or resigning in protest (which Trump could care less about).

[–] robbinhood 2 points 23 hours ago (7 children)

I mean yeah, it can work exactly that way. The Cold War was horrifically bloody in many countries and regions, but the USA and USSR directly slugging it out would have bathed the world in much more blood. Likewise, the Soviets and China going at it in a full scale war after the Soviet-Sino split would have been horrific.

It's a high risk strategy but not one without rewards.

[–] robbinhood 1 points 23 hours ago (8 children)

I'm not a we go high when they go low kinda guy but it'll be really hard for a governor to act like Trump. And it'll be especially hard if said governor has to go up against Trump. It's hard to compel Trump because who enforcers anything on him? Yet Trump is probably drooling at the possibility of sending federal agents to arrest a governor.

None of this makes Trump's abhorrent behavior okay, of course.

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