
joined 1 year ago
[–] rjdunlap 1 points 1 year ago

Exactly.. the issue is that we can't remove supreme Court justices through normal legal means.. we need Captain America to come punch Clarance Thomas and these other 5 Nazis till they go 'away'. Gerrymandering, 2 Senators per state, and Electoral College need to go.

[–] rjdunlap 2 points 1 year ago

INAL but I don't think this has a lot to stand on, regardless of being for or against the actual policy.

I think similar cases would be for following various federal laws to receive highway administration funds.

Florida can still run their schools, it doesn't challenge state law.. they're allowed to fund them themselves. So doesnt involve 10th amendment here IMO.

The question will be about involving non-government agencies in doing the accreditation.. which one could argue would have similarities to defense contractors (maybe?) I don't know what precedent exists on this angle.

Given current supreme court is corrupt enough that who knows what will happen if it makes it's way there.

[–] rjdunlap 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

This is Raspberry flavored right? Or Raspberry Vanilla?