
joined 2 years ago
[–] rivermonster 18 points 1 year ago

Holy shit, lol, talk about tone deaf. Though I think there's also a serious note of disdain for the stupid, racist hicks who keep him in power; and how amused he is that he can shit on them and still get their vote.

[–] rivermonster -4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (14 children)

Political exiles, yes from mainstream groups that ban descent regularly if one isn't on the anti-Israel, anti-jew, pro-hamas wagon train!

We are pretty close... I can go with Fuck Hamas, and I'm regularly echoing fuck Bibi and Likud!

Where we might disagree is I believe Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself. That's usually what gets a ban in Lemmy worldnews, and other radical hotbeds.

EDIT: sorry, missed your other point. That's because the anti-Israel stance often becomes a pro-Hamas one. Their charter is the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Go to a Hamas rally in whatever country you're in, there will be side-by-side marchers yelling everything from "gas the jews”, to "from the river to the sea" (also seen here in my community), to "destroy Israel". Those things aren't anti-Israel or even anti-war crimes. They are pro-Hamas support of their founding purpose.

[–] rivermonster 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

They have, but Hamas seeks to keep him in power because he makes them more popular than ever. You know that Hamas PUT him in power, right? Perez was vowing to continue the Oslo process with Arafat. Israel had majority support for the two-state solution and Perez was clearly winning. That's why Hamas executed a series of suicide bombs, bus bombing, killing as many civilians as they could (and always have). The campaign was successful enough that Bibi squeaked by with a LESS than 1% victory over Perez.

This stuff isn't a secret. If you wanted to get out of your Hamas supporter bubble then you could find this information yourself.

Hamas and Bibi are partners, they work together to keep the conflict going and awful.

If you don't like to read, Frontline has an excellent piece on the conflict from the Oslo process and onwards:


EDIT: You can even just look at old news reports


Peres was initially buoyed by sympathy for former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated in November by a right-wing Jew opposed to peace with Palestinians.

But that advantage was all but wiped out by a deadly spate of Islamic suicide bombings in Israel that caused many Israelis to re-evaluate the peace process.

Those bombings were intentionally designed by Hamas to get Bibi elected. When Palestinians die, Hamas gains supporters, followers, and power. Just look at Lemmy with all its recruits!

[–] rivermonster -5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Thank you for the Hamas talking point you regurgitated. Your number comes directly from Hamas and is a propaganda message you voluntarily spread for your ally.

~8500 of that number were active Hamas terrorist combatants, another ~1000 were other terrorist groups that operate in Gaza. But your omission is exactly what they seek with their propaganda that indoctrinates, radicalizes, and ultimately provides more terrorist recruits.

EDIT: Oh and don't forget about the hospital that Hamas hit with a rocket as they attempted a war-crime against Israel. Those victims are in that number too. ;)

[–] rivermonster -2 points 1 year ago

Okay, I'm back. What the point of the post was, and is, is to help some of the brainwashed MHGA kids get some contextual understanding to this conflict and grasp that nothing is as simple or black and white as it seems. When they read propaganda about Palestinian land stolen, and propaganda about right of return--giving a more full and factual perspective can ultimately help combat some of the radicalization. This includes understanding that 21% of Israel's citizens are Palestinians. I'm not putting lipstick on a pig. They’re NOT treated as equals, and there are crimes there, and honestly and apartheid like system. I have HUGE beefs with Israel about that. I think that's a fight that me and a lot of the MHGA kids might even be on the same side about. Unfortunately, they're (MHGA) so radicalized they can only falsely yell genocide and call for the destruction of Israel, and looking at their pro-Hamas rallies across the world often make calls to "gas the jews", or like the comment by the terrorist below "from the River to the Sea".


So if you seriously want to discuss and dissect the article, let's do it. Shall we start with the opening paragraph?

In the 20th century, approximately 900000 Jews migrated, fled, or were expelled from Muslim-majority countries throughout Africa and Asia. Primarily a consequence of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, the mass movement mainly transpired from 1948 to the early 1970s, with one final exodus of Iranian Jews occurring shortly after the Islamic Revolution in 1979–1980. An estimated 650000 (72%) of these Jews resettled in Israel.[1]

Contextualize it as well. This is 1948 and onwards, the UN had just recognized Israel as a state, and after that multiple Arab countries (Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Iraq, and Palestinian Arab forces in 48) attempt to genocide Isreal and the Jews. Thankfully they failed in their effort to genocide Israel and the Jews.

Later in 67, same thing, another attempt to genocide Israel and the Jews and for both there were definitely literal calls for genocide. Fortunately, just like in 48, the six day war (in 67) found Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

Can we agree this was happening over the timeframe of the issue that we're talking about? Or do we need to debate it?

Also, if you're just playing "gotcha politics" and don't seriously want to discuss this, then let me know so I dont' waste a lot of time.

[–] rivermonster -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Your view that Hamas is self-evidently bad isn't a norm among the MHGA kids. So I'd reject even the premise there.

And I think calling the current actions in Gaza genocide diminishes and devalues the term. Doing so is offensive and wrong. War crimes? Sure, I can identify war crimes, but calling it genocide just means that someone doesn't understand what a real genocide looks like.

Plus accusing the Israeli citizens who identify as Palestinians (read 21% of Israel's population) of committing genocide of Palestinians is silly. What is the Jewish population of Gaza, by the way? MHGA kids shout genocide through a combination of not understanding what it means and through, even worse, an attempt to politicize it.

It s like when they quote Hamas saying 23,000 are dead and broadcast that Hamas message like good little recruits. At least 8500 are Hamas terrorists, and another 1000 members of various other terrorist groups in Gaza.

Hamas doesn't separate them out for propaganda. Meanwhile, they celebrate the 72 virgins they get. Yuck.

[–] rivermonster -5 points 1 year ago (4 children)

A radical religious bastard killed the PM. Equating him with all Israel is the same as saying every person in Gaza is an active combatant. And though that's ridiculous, it's where your fallacy leads.

[–] rivermonster 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Not a Bibi or Likud supporter. He and multiple members of Likud are war criminals many, many times over. More than anything for the collective punishment of Gaza PRE-Oct 7th. Yes, even though, pre-Oct Hamas was regularly targeting civilians and committing the war crimes that got them elected and made them so popular in Gaza.

But post, you can't leave their infrastructure and ability to project power in place anymore or ever to let it happen again.

You can find someone else to defend his disgusting language, I won't. Dehumanizing a country's enemy may be a time honored tactic committed by virtually every country on the planet but it's never okay.

[–] rivermonster -3 points 1 year ago

I feel that way about a lot of these terrorists and terrorist adjacent kids who are being indoctrinated and radicalized on Lemmy.

[–] rivermonster -4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

EDIT: The downvotes for me telling the user that I'm busy but not ignoring them are fucking HILLARIOUS. You people are seriously mentally ill.

I don't want you thinking I'm ignoring you or your points which I think are perfect for a meaningful discussion. But I'm tired AF, have 3 death threats to report to law enforcement, and then I'm going to crash.

So again, sorry for the delay but I will attempt to answer you in earnest tomorrow.

[–] rivermonster -4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

LOL, you don't have to come in here or read any of this. Feel free to block away. Since your tears fall short of the normal MHGA death threats I get, I'll allow it. >< Vent away.

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