
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I love this idea! I have wanted something like this for a long time. I taught a high school CS/logic course and I have many pedagogical problems with Java which was the instructional language we used. I'm also a new father and I have been daydreaming about how I would homeschool my daughter when the time comes (if she is receptive to the idea).

I have already sought out something like this and I came across Project Bootstrap which uses Racket:


They have also built a no-fuss web IDE for young students:


Their goal is to reinforce mathematics education with programming. Their resources are quite good from what I have seen! Take a look at an early sample lesson from their algebra course:


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I love this idea! I have wanted something like this for a long time. I taught a high school CS/logic course and I have many pedagogical problems with Java which was the instructional language we used. I'm also a new father and I have been daydreaming about how I would homeschool my daughter when the time comes (if she is receptive to the idea).

I have already sought out something like this and I came across Project Bootstrap which uses Racket:


They have also built a no-fuss web IDE for young students:


Their goal is to reinforce mathematics education with programming. Their resources are quite good from what I have seen! Take a look at an early sample lesson from their algebra course:
