I'm saving this for later b/c these are always hugely entertaining. Love seeing these weird knives.
joined 2 years ago
Gotta find some sort of silver lining, what the fuck else can we do?
Who is this?
Great post as usual. Laughed out loud at the Dwemer comment.
This comment should be higher lol
High Life
The scout gets like 7 cents a box per sale. Fucking ridiculous.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes "full metal alchemist... full metal alchemist"
I think I'm going with...
- DS1 Zweihander (in later games this is Greatsword)
- the best UGS moveset
- Washing Pole (Nagakiba in ER)
- let's be honest it's because of FF7, but it's dope af
- Moonlight Greatsword (all iterations, Bloodborne is probably the best one though)
- ah you were here at my side all along
- Chikage (moveset is unique to Bloodborne)
- the draw slash tranform move made this really unique and fun
- Demon Scar (ds3)
- a unique weapon in this game, like wielding a sword made of Pyromancy
I'm currently playing a randomized run, helps with the replay value.
I'm getting shapeshifted green dragon vibes. Love the style.
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Wonder if you can play this with the Cinders mod..