Board games. Find people who play board, card or roleplaying games. Sign up to an open group to play. Its an extremely social hobby with no pressure - you're just there to play, and if some joking around and friendship happens, its a great bonus.
these girls are like 30 years old now.
My brain has coalesced around this fantasy version of who I was when I was 25.
I'm in my 30s now but when I imagine myself that's who I picture. And funny enough that person wasn't even who I was at that age. I was way insecure about so many of the things I now think back on fondly. Getting older is a funny thing.
"If you don't like it don't fly"
Seriously just shut up.
Edit: LMAO just saw your other comment where you actually said this sincerely. You're a parody of yourself.
Li Bai - Quiet Night Thought
Before my bed bright moonlight pools
Almost like frost on the ground
Raising my head I see the shining moon
Bowing my head I think of home
Not exactly sure how they made it, but this sounds like "generative ambient" to me.
People make music that sounds similar to this using something called a "modular synthesizer" - its basically a big rack of individual synthesizers that each do one thing, and people plug them together to create "patches". Then, they run a wave generator through them to generate ambient music that doesn't actually require anyone to "play" anything during the piece.
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60°F. Not raining, but misting.
This is why I live in the PNW.
Life is an endless prisoner's dilemma.
Sounds like you've already made up your mind so fine go do something else. We don't care.