
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hya, ha go hya, VOLCANOOO

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Cool, I think I'll do the same. I wasn't popular or super active but hey, doin' my part

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh, I didn't know this, I appreciate the insight. I have been working with typescript a bit, but sidestepped back to JS for a small project because of familiarity. My next project may be typescript just to get a feel for it.

I have heard a lot of buzz about rust, but I haven't looked it up because I don't want to overwhelm myself with new things. But it does seem very popular. And I doubt there's anyone, even people unfamiliar with code, who hasn't heard of the C family!

I'm not giving up JS, since it is so popular for web development, but it does make me sad that it's so inefficient for other tasks in comparison to the other languages. Butz it also makes me kind of excited to get into some of the meatier stuff

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the suggestions! Yes, I agree the performance is pretty bad. The reason is because I'm calling ALL the Pokemon data at the beginning into an array. I will optimize this after I learn more!

I'll work on adding the evolutionary line, that's a good idea.

Currently, you can search by type, but it's not by the full text of the type. I can definitely implement that. I'll add a drop-down menu next to the search field to select search criteria to filter irrelevant results.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Try using ChatGPT if you haven't. Ive used Reddit in the past for a lot of troubleshooting, but ChatGPT is easier to get the answers I'm looking for unless I asked the question myself. But there's no judgement from ChatGPT lol

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The search function is working now

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Hey! The loading state was on purpose to show the user something was happening, but I did remove it! It didn't seem to take that long

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I agree with you. It's disheartening to ask a legitimate question and get negative votes and zero comments.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I recently moved here and through my minimal interaction so far, I love it. I'm all about positive treatment and inclusion. I have only made two posts (as a somewhat personal experiment to test the waters) which would not have had any attention on Reddit, and people actually talked and congratulated me, which was a very weird but welcome experience.

And I love that the downvote arrow is removed in order to promote discussion rather than just vote and move on.

A service can always improve and get better in some ways, but the stance of beehaw is perfect imo

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Cool, thanks! I only have experience with JavaScript and Python, and I personally prefer JS because Python has been confusing to me. But, I have heard Python is more efficient and easier in the long-term.

After 'mastering' JS to a sufficient ability I will put my efforts towards Python. I am stumped as to why I feel JS is easier than Python when I have also heard the opposite; that python is easier than JS

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Can you explain this in simple terms for simple minds like mine? And I only ask for other people like me who may wonder but not ask

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Donate to the devs!


I am currently trying to build a search component so users can search for Pokemon (since it is currently paginated with 20 per page.) I'm having some difficulty figuring it out, but I'm making progress.

All the information is auto-populated. It's probably an easy thing for seasoned developers, but I'm proud to have linked the card colors, types and backgrounds to their relevant Pokemon.

Edit: search function is working now! But I I need to add "toLowerCase()"... And add prefix to the type images of some types. Otherwise, it's working decently! The search field works in real-time, so the page is a little sluggish to load. You can search by Name, ID, Type or Ability, just start typing and your results will appear.

I opted for a single search field for simplicity and to condense the page. I can add filters, but I like it this way for now.

~~Next I am adding a click-to-zoom on the cards, and when they fill the screen, additional info will populate the card, and even more info on the back.~~

Edit 2: Instead of making click to zoom, I added a drop-down menu to change sprites between all generations. Maybe now I'll add click to zoom!


Hey, saw this community and that it was nearly empty so wanted to add a little about myself to break the ice.

I'm high-functioning according to scientific terms, but man it's a struggle every day. I am very socially inept in most situations, I've become a kind of hermit. But that's fine with me because ai have my wife and son and that's all I need.

I also have ADD and Bipolar Disorder, and although not specifically diagnosed, i wonder about ASPD and AVPD as well. To top it all off, I also have constant brain fog with short moments of clarity, and aphantasia.

Yes this all really sucks, but it's not all bad. I have a supporting wife, and awesome (and crazy) son who is just like me... Which makes me upset about what he may go through in life, but also glad because I can give hime real, understanding support he won't get from most people.

I spent 8 years as a carpenter (retail before, but couldn't keep it up due to the customer contact.) And I am now a certified web developer and continually learning.

I didn't grow up with medication, or support, but I wish I did. I got on meds late, and honestly I could be so much farther ahead now if I had them sooner.

Anyway that's all I've got, I don't know how to exit social situations so yeah. The end. See ya!

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