Probably when I was 13 or so. Before that I acted, well, not very straight, to the extent of kissing friends, who were all girls, and showing a rather superficial interest in the opposite gender, mostly out of peer pressure as I approached puberty. But somehow I didn't really realize it was weird until all my friends started crushing on boys unironically and I was confused. I also didn't realize I was crushing on girls until other people described to me in more detail what liking girls was like. I just thought it was normal friendship feelings (which is still difficult to parse from "liking" someone imo but whatever). My sexual awakening solidified it, but I was kind of in denial for a while. I'm quite happy now at 20, out, even if chronically single (mostly because of myself)
joined 2 years ago
Telegram, for a singular, friend group chat. And the cool Amazon sales channels. Whatsapp for family and anything work related.
When speaking about skills I'm working towards, topics I'm studying, or even just talking about a piece of media I like and the recipient responds with something like "you should start a business/offer courses/create a YouTube channel". Profit mentality is a disease.
1337x or TorrentGalaxy