Others didn't try to circumvent much because Russian market is usually too small for any app to care. Telegram's user base is historically huge is Russia.
If telegram or other parties can access it, is it truly encrypted?
If the website creator and others can access the content hiding behind SSL/HTTPS, is it truly encrypted? It's similar with telegram, except they also don't keep the raw data on servers etc.
I used telegram during all that time in Russia. It did circumvent the shit out of the RKN. I guess you used somewhat limited data to learn something from Russia.
Telegram chats are not e2e by design. There is no standard way to handle e2e in group chats, also most chats are public anyway. Chats are encrypted according to their docs. There are no unencrypted chats in telegram. It's just that people like e2e and call anything that is not e2e "not encrypted".
On April 16, 2018, the Russian government began blocking access to Telegram, an instant messaging service. The blocking led to interruptions in the operation of many third-party services, but practically did not affect the availability of Telegram in Russia. It was officially unblocked on June 19, 2020
Some say it was unblocked because they made a deal with Durov. Another opinion is that too many people and services including officials continued to rely on it even during the time it was blocked. Regardless, Telegram did a huge job on circumventing those blocks.
On April 16, 2018, the Russian government began blocking access to Telegram, an instant messaging service. The blocking led to interruptions in the operation of many third-party services, but practically did not affect the availability of Telegram in Russia. It was officially unblocked on June 19, 2020
Some say it was unblocked because they made a deal with Durov. Another opinion is that too many people and services including officials continued to rely on it even during the time it was blocked. Regardless, Telegram did a huge job on circumventing those blocks.
Aren't e2e encrypted by default you mean.
What does it have to do with nature though?
We need that in order to preserve those terrible implementations of physx etc. in older games that look even more terrible with them disabled. Hope the work is continued.
There is no "intelligence", ai is a pr word. Just a language model that feeds on a lot of data.
Happened to me recently when I was just sitting at my desk with the laptop. It amazed me how it appeared right before my eyes, and not somewhere to the left or right of my eyesight.
You seem to have a detailed opinion about something you hardly even used, or researched. It's fine, you don't have to like it and I don't care. But I will point out mistakes.
Most people do use it for public communication only. Not in plain text. Telegram was popular even before it started circumventing anything.