During his first term he just cracked the gates of hell open a little and we had sky-rocketing national debt and over a million covid deaths. Next time he will fling them wide open guaranteeing chaos and the deaths of millions. Listen to him. Believe him on this.
Putin must be giddy that his plan for the destruction of the U.S. might come together.
joined 1 year ago
we as a country deserve whatever we get.
That would be death, destruction and collapse - enjoy.
Trump has now successfully sown distrust in FEMA
Putin, and Trump.
Dude was just crazy
Aren't MAGAs crazy?
Exactly. Chris Christie still has a lot of sway with his Republican base.
To be fair, I listen to a lot of Republicans like Cassidy Hutchinson, Steve Schmidt , George Conway, Michael Cohen, Liz Cheney, John Kelly and The Bulwark because they are insiders who actually know what when on in the White House.
The Extreme Court has made itself irrelevant, useless and obsolete.
It was never about anything other than whipping up crazy people for money.
Sure it's Floriduh, but suspend the law for a year already.
Bus companies should know the type of people they are dealing with. MAGAs are angry, armed and delusional.