That hadn’t even occurred to me. 😂 There I am, setting up tunnels on each server like an idiot…
Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s the Armv6. Will give that a go. Cheers.
I recently installed the linked font as my font in XCode and so far I’m loving it:
Have a look in to Twingate, that should do exactly what you need.
A small amount of text and a link to my mastodon profile.
Well Artemis was the brother of Apollo…
Massive improvement. Moving the subscribed channels to the slide out panel frees up the bottom TabView nicely, which definitely feels more sensible in terms of layout.
Really good work again from the Memmy team
Edit. The settings icon on the profile page is maybe redundant now but hardly a massive issue
When I was a kid I used to make keychains using these:
Great Five 160 Scoubidou Strings Plastic Lacing Strings Craft Gimp Lacing Cord 16 Colours 10 strings per colour Craft Strings Bracelet Key Rings (160 meters) https://amzn.eu/d/g5BrI3U
They were all the rage in 1988. 😂
FWIW I tried AdGuard as I liked the look of some of its features but it slowed my connection down massively - sites would take ages to load.
I may have done something wrong but I tried quite a few things but went back to PiHole as I’ve never had any issues with it.
I feel like this is a wooosh
I dread to think how many hours I lost to this game. PC was obviously the best experience back then because you absolutely need a mouse. Playing on a gameboy was not so good.