Maybe read abeut the EEE strategy (embrace, extend, extinguish). Gatekeeping is bad but this isn't about gatekeeping
I thought you were excaggerating, but looks like 39€ wouldn"t be enough, they'd take closer to 60€ 😂 See this comment on github
After a few times I memorized where the bread or fruit (w/o barcode) I usually buy is in the menu and am almost equally fast as an employee would be. So it just took me some time to adjust personally.
I feel you. And what helped me the most was to start taking Methylphenidate.
That's fair, but I think this will rather be fixed algorithmically. More users here (generally) means less users on big tech platforms, which I always appreciate :) Also I think gatekeeping ends up hurting a platform. Even "generic" people can have or develop special interests haha.
U so lame bro
Kissing people that have bad breath isn't combat tho
You sound very passionate but also very aggressive. It's almost uncomfortable to read 😅 Will check it out though, thank you.
I don't disagree :) The initial comment just didn't outline that.
A more constructive conclusion would be to actually improve things, by not eliminating taxes but spending them differently.
How would you know that?