There aren't any rugs used in rugby, either.
And "cricket?" They would be crushed instantly.
There aren't any rugs used in rugby, either.
And "cricket?" They would be crushed instantly.
Man I just don't get modern art.
Gameboy Advance had single-pak link (buy one copy, play with up to 4 linked devices) 20 years ago.
Greed has defeated the technology, though.
How dare my meddling not work out, you're all fired!
In a world where every person is free to share their opinion directly to a mass audience, *we need trusted experts in various fields more than ever.
No, they're not necessarily going to be concentrated only in traditional media, but if I'm looking something up real quick, I'm more likely to trust some random author on a real news site than some random author on social media. Maybe I'd still get wrong information sometimes, but the odds are better.
In this analogy, when you add a new book, only then is that "deleted" book actually removed and replaced with the new one. Until then, it just sits there waiting, but since nothing is pointing to it, it's hard to find.
When someone recovers a file, what they're doing is going book by book and reconciling the index to see if there's anything missing. Since this book still exists, it can be recovered.
Yeah, it's not that the fraudsters got past the red tape, there just wasn't any to begin with.
It was all honor system, and with billions of dollars at stake, honor is the first thing to go.
I've been binging for a couple weeks now. Two episodes left. This made my day.
idk, the Combs/Combs ticket is promising to give Combs a cabinet position and Combs at chief justice. Seems pretty strong.
And as soon as the young spelling pro gets "eye", throw "ewe" at them.
Don't even get me started on bowling.