My opinion is that Jesse Lyu is lying about making any significant changes. (Because otherwise the demo wouldn't have worked)
I don't want bad things for him personally, but I want bad things to happen to people who lie in public.
The code is open source with licensing requirements, so I'm therefore hoping someone Jesse has already made a statement to can write him with these requests:
- For GPL2 licensed components such as Linux: Give me your changes in source form.
- For Apache-licensed components such as Android: What files did you change?
I can imagine him responding in three ways:
- "Sure, here is another lie" -- and then he's locked into an answer which will probably make him look clueless as hell
- "We don't think we have to do that" -- and now the Open Source Reply Guy Brigade instantly hates him.
- -- and now, given that a conversation has actually occurred, he looks evasive.
Apparently, if you want to get away with crimes, you should find someone you can rat on and commit them in a way that makes that person highly complicit.